Saturday, 28 January 2023

How can Mankind Change for the better?

We want to have a peaceful World, and we want to reach for the Stars. But before we can reach for the stars, we need to change this place that we are living in first. There are unmistakably many things wrong with this World and everyone can see it by just looking at the news. But also how people treat each-other is a big sign on some of the essential problems of this system. Mankind doesn't seem to be kind anymore, and that has to Change as time seems to be running out. Why is it important for people to change now, and how must mankind change for the better?

Time is running out

From about 2008 and on everything on Earth seems to have become strange and weird with currently crises accumulating into a maximum. Obviously that maximum is almost here and it can only end in destruction... The only option that we have is to change ourselves, so that this maximum point never happens. Time is running out as we speak and thus we need to act quickly. Change can be quick if everyone understands that there is an end-point in this time-frame. So how do we do that and why is it necessary?


It looks like that mankind can not change for itself, as people do not see there is a higher reason for change. But if we want to reach for the stars in our galaxy, and aliens actually are out there then we should show them that we come in peace. And the best way to show this is by signaling. This signaling must start on our planet already, as they will know what we are all about just by scanning our minds. So how do we signal? We start by changing ourselves, by doing the right thing.

Nuclear weaponry

The biggest concern from an Alien point of view is the nuclear arsenal that we possess and the power that it gives us. But it is considered as a very bad thing, as nuclear weaponry are used for mass-destruction. If our species is capable of destroying our own citizens with these kinds of weapons, then we most certainly can destroy aliens in the same way. By disarming all our nuclear weapons, we signal that we have changed and that we come in peace. It is the biggest and probably the only correct signal that we can give, so that aliens know that we have changed. By doing this we can survive the current maximization of crises, and it most likely is the only way.


Every person on this planet, in essential is the same. We all have a brain, all have a heart and thus we are the same. We should respect one and another, smile and be kind. But this is a quality that only the few have. If someone needs our help, then we should give a helping hand. But in most cases people just walk past the homeless or poor person in disrespect. This as one seems to be feeling much better than the other. The same goes with the disrespect the rich seem to show the poor, and this inequality seems to be growing constantly. This is the opposite of the natural state a good society should be working on. Equality and the same chances for everyone are essential in creating a better society.


Being kind is necessary for the continuity of a society. It is the only way for mankind to survive and thus we must focus on this quality and its development. Being kind, having respect, being nice to everyone is essential and for this mankind needs to change. Without kindness mankind will be doomed. And this is exactly what this World is about. The maximization of crises is only a signal to us to show that time is running out, unless we change for the better by being kind. Having kindness towards everybody is important, as you do not know what someone else is going through. Your respect of disrespect through your actions or spoken word can make or break a person's day. So what you think, say or do influences other people greatly. Being kind is the only way for mankind to evolve into a better species.

Treat others like you want to be treated

Everyone wants to be treated well, good and nice. This is a quality that you should try to give in all situations, even if others don't do it. Eventually they will change for the better. By doing good to others, results in them getting into a better emotional state which leads to them showing a better attitude. So being good is just like a droplet in water. It starts as a single droplet with influence circles around it. But when another person picks up this positivity then they can influence others in a positive way as well. If you want others to treat you nice, then you should start to treat others nice as well. It is a give and take situation. But if no-one gives, then no-one takes. You can change this, start by being nice and start by noticing people in need or help. With a small gesture, a talk or a smile you can have influence on someone's life in a positive way.

Read on about: How can you personally change for a better World?

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