Saturday, 11 February 2023

Aliens are friendly and there is a big group of them

Hollywood movies depict aliens as being of hostile nature all the time, but there is good reason to stipulate that this is wrong. Aliens have developed over millions of years, and are much more advanced in technology and in thought. And they once have stood on the same threshold that we are standing now. What is out there, how do we explore it and can we find benign aliens out there. We are now starting the same quest as they have been through a long time ago. Are aliens friendly and are there many of them around?

Image by uleem odhit from Pixabay

Gazing at the sky and wondering

Just like humans, aliens once stood on their planet and watched the sky with awe. And just like us they wanted to explore it as well and hopefully encounter lifeforms of other beings on exoplanets also. But at that moment they also realized that there might be good and bad societies out there, and thus they wanted to protect themselves. So even before they would have gone into the skies, their reasoning was telling them that there might be dangerous aliens around or otherwise they actually might have found a bad species first. And thus they wouldn't want anything to to with them anymore. So they needed the best protection there is, in the search for lifeforms on other planets. And that is stealth.

Aliens come/ came in stealth

If one wants to be sure that another species is safe to approach, then they would need to see it for themselves first. This is an assessment of the new species, and doing so they would come in stealth. They wouldn't want that species to know that they are here, as they need to know at first hand if the species is benign or hostile. So they come in stealth and observe the new species, firstly at some distance and later in the process maybe more closely. So they actually also might be in stealth or in disguise walking on that new planet. It is the only way to make sure what this species is all about. And there is a good change that this has happened to Earth already. If the aliens would come now, then the World needs to remain calm and we need to stand open for discussion in any way possible. We mustn't let our decisions be based upon emotions, as we will make wrong decisions in that moment. So if extraterrestrials come they will come in peace as they are from the good beans group, and thus we must welcome them appropriately.

Good beans group

As the aliens would be in fear of hostile aliens, and find them on a certain planet, then they would simply leave them alone. And thus look on for other species that are benign. It is like selecting the good beans and not using the bad beans. So the good aliens would be invited to join the group, and thus this group of good beans aliens would be growing steadily in time. And this has many advantages, as knowledge, ideas, technology and decisions are shared, then the good alien group would be growing in numbers as in strength. So you might be wondering or fear hostile aliens, but reasoning shows you that we don't have to fear them at all. Due to the many advantages of the development of good beans group, then we can stipulate that almost a hundred percent of aliens that are exploring are of benign nature. And the chance is very high that if we would encounter aliens, that they would be friendly.

The old galactic society

If there is a growing group of good aliens, then there might be a galactic society. This society consists of all the planets of all kinds of species and entities that try to explore more then their own World. And this galactic society might be very old already. At the time that planet Earth was just forming, other planets might already have been flourishing with intelligent alien lifeforms. So they have had an immense head-start. It immediately shows, that in comparison humans are just born and are just starting to set the first steps in exploring outside this planet. And this old galactic society probably knows what the problems are when starting this up. It is a necessary development that we need to go through on our own, just like the first steps that a baby has to make. So if we can make it through this first developing phase alive, then we might be able to explore the universe and join their old galactic society.

They know already where we are

Aliens have very advanced technologies that easily can scan the galaxy, to see if there is other life signs out there. And that suggests also that they already have found us a long time ago. There is a good chance that they scan spacetime to see if there are any abnormalities, and if so (even very small) then they would like to investigate it. At the end of WWII we tested an atomic bomb and used it as a mass-destruction weapon on Japan twice. If it only was one time, they might have not detected us and/or might have thought it to be a small irregularity. But we did it three times in a very short time-frame, signaling we are here and we are armed.

Good aliens put us in this system

We used mass-destruction weaponry on our own citizens and aliens detected it. That for sure wasn't a good first impression, it actually was for humanity saying we are here and willing to kill everybody who wants to fight with us. And this we have been saying and signaling over and over again with every nuclear weapons test. So the aliens (somehow) managed to put us in this system aka this simulation (and that it is a simulation is something we can prove). The good aliens put us in here, for what actually? We need to learn from our mistakes, by not repeating them and thus we need to stop fighting, we need to banish wars, and we need to disarm nuclear weaponry everywhere on Earth. It is the only way to show the aliens that we are good as well.

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