Friday, 10 February 2023

How to prove your body isn't solid in this not-real World?

What is real and what isn't, that is a good question. For me I have had this strange feeling about this World, that there is something going on or that something is wrong from childhood already. Some of you might understand what this feeling is about. Things happening don't seem to add up or on the other side seem to be adding up too much. What I am going to tell you now, might be way out of the box for you, but what I am telling is something that I can prove to be real. So stay with me for a moment, and please do the test that I am showing you here. This method will prove that you and I actually aren't as solid as you might think, and why do I think this is proof for the simulation Theory?

Image by Yassay from Pixabay

Strange things are happening

When I say that things seem to be happening in a strange way, I mean it more like it is happening in a structured way. All the bad things in this World seem to be accumulating and getting worse by the day, and thus we can expect something big when this system hits the maximum point (if there is such a thing). And as these things are getting worse, we must interpreted it as a sign, signal or warning. And I believe it to be true as a warning, as what is happening are only bad things. And that is very striking indeed. You might think, the World is weird and strange already, but I can assure you that it will get weirder from here for sure. So if these signs are a warning, then we can guess for sure what it is a warning about. It is all about the usage of nuclear weaponry, as it marks the end of humanity, the end of kindness and it marks the big set-back aka our development as a society will disappear instantly. So if this is the case, then the question arises for sure, why are these signs in place. Do we need to change, and is this World real?

How to prove your body isn't solid?

I have found a method five years ago already to prove that you actually aren't solid at all. But I haven't been able to find a good means to inform the World, up to now. So I am going to tell you here how you can check and test for yourself how you can see with your own eyes that you aren't solid at all. Follow these easy steps:

  • use a white and back background setting;
  • take a photo, think about your finger, as it is the most obvious. But take the photo like that using maximum enlargement;
  • after uploading, enlarge this photo again on your mobile (if possible) or up-load it on your computer so that you can enlarge it more easily and see the results more clearly. You can find more explanation and photo's on proving this in my book the Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth. If your phone has 8-times enlargement then you can see it directly.

What you get is a photo that looks like the shown example. Here I have pointed out two areas with lines around our finger. First of all, these lines shouldn't be there at all as we are solid. But the interesting part is that the color of the line around the finger changes as it interacts with the background color. So with the white background there is a black line just around the finger and a whiter white around that. This changes into a white small line just around the finger at the black background with a blacker line around it. It means that the black line changes into a white line, depending on the background color. You can do another experiment yourself, by taking a picture of your finger in front of a brigh screen as shown in the photo. It shows that in the brighter area the light shines through the upper layer of your projected finger. I need to make this point very clear: 

"This is impossible if you and I are solid, unless 

if what we see isn't real".

PS: If you want to see this without the usage of a camera, then put on two +2 glasses. With the correct background you can distinguish the same effect as shown in the photo's (keep your focus on the finger with the black and white back-ground out of focus, and it might take some time before you notice the black and white lines appear).

Is this proof for the simulation theory?

As there clearly seems to be an interaction of colors with lines, then we can stipulate that what we see isn't real. And it makes me think about a projection before our eyes. So what theories are there around, that can explain this phenomenon? The best way I can explain this, is by going into the simulation theory. The simulation theory suggests that this complete World is projected in front of us, just like a hologram. But in this hologram we actually feel everything to be real. So there is a way to influence all our senses so that we are tricked in believing this World to be legitimate. But I don't think that we are in a hologram, but we are seeing a shared reality, with our senses attached to it. So we experience the same World, but in real reality we actually aren't in the same place. Personally I think, what we are seeing here and the proof I have shown you now, is evidence of the simulation theory.

Why do we feel pain with a projection?

What we do in this simulation, has consequences for our body in real reality. This has been done, in order for us to experience this World as real as possible. So if it wasn't for this proof, then you would think that this World is for real. But as you see now, it actually isn't. It is a projection put in front of your eyes, but we feel the pain caused by the actions we do in this World.

Why are we in here?

I see and try to understand the signals that we get from history and placing it in the current situation. So as stipulated already we are in a simulation, and we are experiencing a maximization of crises that can only end in the usage of nuclear weapons. So why we are in here, is related to the usage of weaponry. And this is important as it takes us back at the end of WWII, where we used a test atomic bomb and two nuclear bombs as mass-destruction weapons on our own people. So we need to learn from our mistakes. You don't have to learn from it personally, but we need to learn from this collectively. If you make a mistake twice then the second time was a decision and not a mistake. And we are at that point as one World for sure. If we repeat our mistake of using mass-destruction weaponry then humanity is guilty of mass-murder, but if we choose peace for all and live in kindness, then we are not liable. This is an important point for you to understand, and it is this point that we all have to get as well. If not, then we will be put back to the stone-ages for sure. So do the test to see for yourself that your body isn't solid and thus is proof for the simulation theory. Combined with the fact that we need to learn from our mistakes as a united earth, then we must take action collectively by not using nuclear arms, but disarming instead!

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