Monday, 6 February 2023

What is the simulation theory and how to prove it?

On what kind of Earth do we live, why have we been put here and what is the reason of our existence here? This is a question that has been around for centuries and it is a question that is hard to answer. One of the methods to explain - next to the flat, square, hollow earth - is by considering this World a simulation of some kind. This would mean something like a hologram, but we are in it and experiencing it. Or another way is that this World is a projection in front of our eyes. As we don't see the answer then our options are open for discussion, unless we see evidence for real. So the question here is, are we really in a simulation or not. And we must answer this by finding the evidence to prove it. How can we prove that we are not in reality by showing that the simulation theory is true?

Image by Egonetix_xyz from Pixabay

Table of contents

Proving the simulation theory
Results of this reality test
So what is this proof of?
How much time does the projection take?
Where is our body?

On what kind of Earth do we live, why have we been put here and what is the reason of our existence here? This is a question that has been around for centuries and it is a question that is hard to answer. One of the methods to explain - next to the flat, square, hollow earth - is by considering this World a simulation of some kind. This would mean something like a hologram, but we are in it and experiencing it. Or another way is that this World is a projection in front of our eyes. As we don't see the answer then our options are open for discussion, unless we see evidence for real. So the question here is, are we really in a simulation or not. And we must answer this by finding the evidence to prove it. How can we prove that we are not in reality by showing that the simulation theory is true?

Proving the simulation theory

In order to prove the simulation theory, we simply need to find proof of it, and this can be done by investigating. If this is a simulation then we must be able to see it with our own eyes, as a projected system must have errors or must show some trail to discover, showing that it is like that. I would suggest that we investigate objects and/or our own body by taking a picture in enlargement with for instance a black and white back-ground to see the differences. I have done this using my tablet and taking a picture of my finger in front of a black-white back-ground. And the results are astounding to say the least.

Results of this reality test

In the shown picture you see the result of what I did. More pictures you can find in my book: "Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth" with subtitle: "Disarm nuclear-bombs and stop testing so we can get out of this Simulation, (Proving the Simulation Theory)". In the photo you see the white and black back-ground with the finger in front of it. But there is something curious going on. With the white background you see a black line around the finger with a whiter white then the back-ground white around it. And the curious thing is when you look at the black back-ground it is the opposite. So the lines change color depending on the back-ground color. And this with 100% certainty is impossible for solid objects to occur. And thus this must be considered proof of us being non-solid, aka what you see isn't reality. PS. This test can be done by anyone using only your mobile phone. Take a picture with a black and white back-ground. Then upload it to your computer and enlarge it again until you see this result.

In front of a laptop

Another way for you to prove the Simulation Theory is by taking a picture of your finger in front of a screen such as a laptop or your television. It is important that you hold your finger at the black rim and a part of the screen. The black line appears but you also see something else. The bright screen shines through the upper part of your simulated finger and thus it looks like the finger reduces in size. This you can find without the previously mentioned zoom or enlargement. You try it for yourself. 

PS: If you want to see this without the usage of a camera, then put on two +2 glasses. With the correct background you can distinguish the same effect as shown in the photo's (keep your focus on the finger with the black and white back-ground out of focus, and it might take some time before you notice the black and white lines appear). This is one of the easy ways to see this simulation. 

So what is this proof of?

The taken photo suggests that objects and our body aren't solid, but some kind of "lined" photo or picture. Let me make this clear also, this line is only a fraction of a millimeter wide and thus you obviously hardly or cannot see it with your own eyes. So you need the suggested enlargement for sure. So what you see on this photo is what you get, but what does this suggest. If for sure proves that you and I aren't solid and it proves as well that what we see isn't reality. Having said this, I do must say that we do experience this reality as real and thus we do think it to be as such as our mind makes it real. I would suggest that this is concrete proof of the projection theory.

How much time does the projection take?

I once thought that this World is a prison for the mind, and with this proof I surely still am suggesting this. If this World is projected just in front of our eyes, combined with the knowledge that our brain can handle a reality that is much quicker than real reality, then we can suggest that in this reality time might be going much faster than in real reality. With this I mean that our brain can catch up with frames that are much quicker. In comparison, if real reality would use 100 frames to show a story, but we only got to see 20 frames then our brain would complete the picture for sure making a whole story, but that story would be 5 times quicker. But if the 100 frames would be shown to our brain in a fifth of the normal time then our brain would go much faster, and thus reality as we see it would be much faster than real reality itself. So in both ways we experience the same thing, but it would be must faster than real reality. From this point of view being stuck in this reality for a life-time, might mean only a year in real life. And this time difference might even be much shorter as from our point of view. We cannot tell, as we do not know how much our brain can be sped up. So this might be a scale from 1:50 or 1:100 or even more extreme. How much time really has passed is something we cannot tell and that is an answer we can only get if we get out of this system (if possible).

Where is our body?

If objects and our body isn't real as proven, then where is our real body. Our real body is outside this reality. How do we know that? It is or that, or we are the simulation. But as we can feel and smell things that seem not logical from our point of view, then that might be signals from the outside. You might feel stinging pain while there is no reason, it feels like someone touches you but there is no-one and you might smell coffee or smoke while you for instance are walking on the beach. There is no explainable reason for that happening, unless it comes from the outside real reality. And you and I have experienced that as well. So from this stipulation we can conclude that we aren't a simulation, but we are in the simulation with us getting signals from the outside World. This means our real body is in real reality, but for our mind time seems to be going much much quicker in this reality.

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