Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Is our real body outside this fake reality?

This World isn't what it looks like, as it is not reality aka it is fake. And I already have shown you an easy method to prove for yourself that you actually aren't real as well. So if this reality is fake, then what is this place and why are we here? Is it for you possible to recognize any other signals from the outside, in order for you to know that something is happening or needs to be considered as a signal for you. If we are in a fake reality, then are we a simulation or are we in it and are there any other signals that we can recognize as such?

Image by stokpic from Pixabay 

Are we a simulation or are we in a simulation?

As we aren't in a real World as our body isn't solid as proven, then the question will arise if we are a simulation or in a simulation? And there is a great difference. If we are a simulation, means that we were born here and are an integral part of the system that we live in. And we for sure are unable to get out of here. But if we are in a simulation, then we have been put in here for a reason - by our own choice, or we as a collective were forced into this situation. You might actually consider the fact that we have passed away already, and have entered the afterlife already. But I don't believe that, as we do get signals from the outside world. And as we do get those signs, then we must conclude that we are in a simulation and that we aren't a simulation.

There are stimuli from the outside

Have you ever walked somewhere or were doing something and suddenly from out of the blue you had that strange feeling of someone close to you, or you felt someone touching you without seeing someone, or you hear a strange sound but you don't see why, or you had that sudden stinging pain without any reason for it or you smelled something but you couldn't see the origin for it. In my opinion these are signals from the real reality. Although we are stuck in this reality, our sense-receptors - such as touch, smell, hearing, taste and seeing, and maybe our sixth sense has been activated as well - are still working fine. So we pick up things that are happening in the real World, and some of those signs might have been given for us to recognize as well. If you pick up like that, then you most likely are sensing something outside this reality. And this also means that our body is outside this reality somewhere for real.

Dreams and déjà vu are signals

Have you ever had that feeling that something has happened already, but you cannot say when it actually happened? It is a déjà vu feeling, and within this system there is an easy explanation for it. As we are seeing a simulation, then the speed of this reality might be much quicker than real reality as our brain can copy with high speed resolutions for sure. So what you think is a déjà vu feeling, might actually be something that has happened in your previous life. But in real reality you only have one life, but in this system - as it has a much higher resolution - then you might have experienced this life (or variations on it) fifty times or more already. Thus the déjà vu is a memory or a recognition point of something similar happening to you in a previous past life. You might not believe this statement, but it is a very good explanation for why some people are having these recollections of things happening in some past time.

Why are we in here?

If we are stuck in this reality, then why are we here? There are many explanations possible, but personally I interpret the signal from our history as of alien influence. At the end of WWII we have signaled our existence to the galaxy by using a test atomic bomb and two as mass-destruction weapons on Japan. And these have been interpreted by aliens, knowing that we are here, and that we are armed. But as the usage of these weapons is a grave mistake, then we need to learn from our mistakes aka we aren't allowed to use it again. If this is the case and interpreting the current accumulation of crises in the world, then we must realize that the World is getting to the point of using it again. And that must be prevented at all cost. To save ourselves we need to not use nuclear weaponry in this reality, so that aliens can see that we have changed for the better. If not, then we remain stuck in this World.

How long have we been in here?

I cannot answer this. What we see is a repeat of history, and that might have been reset many times already. And as we have been in here at a high resolution as well, then we cannot say at all what year it is. And we cannot say as well if our generation has just been born after these things happening in real reality or if that centuries have past. So it might be just the 80 years after the last World-War, or in the real world 500 or a 1000 years might have passed already. We cannot say it, as we cannot see the real reality. But as we see a repeating simulation of things happening after WWII till the present, then it is this story that we have to learn from.

Change is important for us

We are stuck in this reality in order to learn from our mistakes. And these mistakes haven't been made by you and me, but our forefathers did. And we all can agree that the usage of nuclear mass-destruction weaponry is an immense mistake for sure. If we want to survive this world and actually want to develop, then we must disarm these weapons. It is the only signal that aliens will understand, that we have changed. But it isn't the only change that we need to go through. We need to get friendly and kind again, as we all need to live together as One on our planet Earth.

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