Thursday, 9 February 2023

This World has signals of urgency to warn us of the future

What happens in this World is strange and it doesn't feel right, does it? I am asking you, but personally if feel it like that and see things happening and worsening on a daily basis. So what is going on here and why are we experiencing this? In my opinion we are seeing signs of things to come, and the signs are gradually building up to something in the maximum situation. And as the signs all are of bad influence, then we can only conclude that the max also is a bad thing. What are the signals that we are seeing here, and why are these a warning sign of things to happen in the future?

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Crises as a signal of urgency

The World that you see and experience now, isn't what reality should be about. This system that we are in now, doesn't make any sense, unless what is happening has meaning. And what is happening, is a build-up of crises which are accumulating to a maximum, where the tension in the World will become too much for all. It is that maximum that we must be worried about, as it is a big signal for us that things are going to get worse. Unless we do something about it. So from the point of view things happening in this World actually are a sign for us to do something, then we must conclude that, what we need to do must be very urgent indeed. I use the word "urgent" as the situation in the World is worsening everyday, and that can only lead to one ending which is the usage of nuclear weaponry.

We are in a fake reality

If this world is signaling to us, that things are going to get very intense, then how is this possible? Is this world a warning? I would say that what has been happening for sure is a warning to all of us. And it is about the maximum point that we as mankind can reach, sadly we are talking about the maximization of crises. But how is this possible, why does the World signal this? The answer might sound strange to you, but this World isn't our real reality and that is why we are experiencing this. And what you are seeing is something projected in front of your eyes. And there is a method to prove the simulation theory. Taking a photo of your finger in front of a white and black background in enlargement. After that you upload it to your computer and enlarge it again, until you see the black and white line around your finger. But this line interacts with the changing of the background color and thus a clear signal that what we are seeing isn't real. So we are in a fake reality.

Pain as a signal

A big question has been, whether our body is in this reality or outside this system in the real World. And pain signals without any cause, might be a good way to explain this. Many people experience having pain, stitches and a strange feeling, while there isn't any reason for it to be happening at all. It simply comes and goes without you are able to explain it. But as we know we are in a fake projected World, then we might say that these pains we have are actually a sign from the outside World. So then it is the question for you, what is happening with you or what are you thinking about while you have this painful or strange feeling. This as these painful signs might need to be interpreted in another way, but with something going on in your life. Think about a big change that is going to happen, but maybe you must or mustn't do it instead. Such signals must be taken seriously as these can be seen as a warning to you.

What are dreams about?

Many people have vivid or clear dreams, where one experiences something like when awake, but one is actually dreaming. This clear dreaming in many cases needs to be seen as a signal as well. Maybe your unconscious self is trying to tell you something about what might be happening, and how you can avoid this. Also dreams can be seen as a warning of things to happen, unless you change. Vivid dreams are very different from normal dreams as you seem to be clearly experiencing it and something will happen that impresses you so that when you wake up you will remember it for sure. In many cases such dreaming leaves you with more questions then answers, and you need to try to figure it out what the message or warning is about.

Déjà vu feeling

As this is a fake world, in the form of a projection aka simulation, then we might have experienced life here many times already. Many people do have that feeling that sometimes things are happening for a reason and they have that feeling that it already has happened before. But it hasn't happened yet in this lifetime, and thus we are talking about a past-life experience. This world might be in a repeat mode, and thus these déjà vu feelings might be things that have happened before in a previous life. I must state that in the real life you only have one life, but in this system - there is a much higher resolution - then you can state that we actually have experienced life many times already.

What can we do about it?

That we are currently on a course going into the maximization of crises, means for me that we are on a way to destruction. And there is only one way that will happen and it is due to nuclear weaponry. But I see this World as a warning and the signals all point in that direction. But as we can see the warning signs before it actually happens, then we can do something about it. We need to take this warning seriously, or else we use mass-destruction weapons on ourselves. The answer is that mankind needs to change, and we need to change for the better. The biggest step here is to disarm nuclear weapons, so that we signal back that we want to live. Not using these weapons is the only way to sign that we have changed and that we have learned from our previous mistakes.

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