Saturday, 4 February 2023

Why is it important to disarm now in this simulation?

This World isn't what it looks like. It is possible to prove that we aren't in a World that is reality, but it is a creation. I don't mean it like in the Bible, but it is like a projection in front of our eyes. If you don't believe me, in the Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth you can find a method for you to prove yourself that we actually are in a simulation. So if we are in a simulation, then why is it important to disarm as well, as we aren't in reality?

Why are we in a simulation?

If you see for yourself that we aren't in the real World, then you cannot un-see it. Here the question remains why are we in a simulation? The best answer is that we are here under judgment after we have signaled our existence in the universe at the ending of World-War 2 with three atomic bombs. And that signal is interpreted as of hostile species by aliens. So we are being judged as we speak, due to our actions in the past. To safely judge if we are doing the right thing, we have been put in this simulation, and they are seeing what we will do when things are getting out of hand. And thus we are experiencing this accumulation of crises and that is why the severity is increasing as well. So what we are going through as we speak, is with intent to see how we react.

We need to signal our intentions

In order to solve this situation for the best of our species, we need to signal. And that signal needs to be a good one, as we need to make a positive impression. If we do not signal the correct thing, then obviously this system will reset itself and thus we need to learn everything all over again. So the question is, what do we need to signal for them to understand that we have learned from our mistakes. The answer is obvious! We mustn't and cannot repeat our mistakes again. And the mistake that we are talking about here, is using nuclear weaponry as mass-destruction weapons. So we need to stand down in the current situation of war and choose the path of peace. In this the signal is that we don't destroy ourselves again, by not using nuclear weapons.

What will happen if we signal our good intent?

I am not sure. We for sure will live on, as we don't use nuclear weapons. There might be the possibility that the aliens who now are in stealth here will show themselves, as they want to let us join their galactic society. And the best option for us is that we can get out of this simulation, as this reality must be considered as a prison for the mind. So there are some options, which all have a positive outcome for us, if only we signal that we don't use nuclear weaponry.

Humanity cannot develop due to weapons

In my opinion the threat of the usage of nuclear weapons reduces the chance for humanity to develop itself. War, distress and turmoil are all means to stop the evolution of mankind. But if we take away these disturbances, than humanity can grow with an unprecedented prosperity and a developed future ahead. So I see the usage of nuclear weapons and constant Warfare on Earth as an immense brake on the potential that humanity has in store for itself. If you can understand this fundamental principle, then you see the importance of us disarming and living in peace for sure.

Disarm now so we can get a better future

We need to grow, evolve and go into a prosperous future without the possible usage of weapons. In order for us to go on this path, we need to prove in this simulation that we have the intention to do so. And thus we need to act, by not using these nuclear weapons, by not testing it and by disarming all nuclear weaponry everywhere on Earth. It is the only correct signal for them to understand that we come in peace and it is the only way to show that we made a mistake in the past. Be wise and disarm in this simulation, so that we are understood in the best way and that we can go into the intended real future.

Read on in: Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth

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