Wednesday, 1 February 2023

We need to learn from this Simulation so that we change

We are in a simulation and we can prove it as such. So if we do live in a Simulation that what do we need to learn from it, and why are we in here? These are essential questions to answer. So we need to look for answers within this system that can explain why were are here, and we need concrete prove to show everyone that we actually are in a simulation. So how can we prove this, and what can we learn from this reality?

How to prove we live in a Simulation?

In the book Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth I have given you an easy method, so that you can prove that you actually are in a simulation. You need to use a black and white background with enlargements to see what is actually going on there. As shown there are black and white energy-lines around objects and your body, with its position changing depending on the background color. And that change is clear evidence that objects and our body aren't solid in this World. So this isn't reality and what we are seeing is a Simulation. For more clarification on how you can prove it yourself, you need to go to mentioned book.

What is the difference?

You might ask yourself, this life seems to be real enough for me, so why should I wonder about it being not real. This obviously depends on yourself and maybe you don't even want to know this reality. But for me, as it can be proven then it is a fact. So we are stuck in this World like a prison for the mind. Setting aside that it isn't real, then I do feel it is my World as you and I have grown-up here. So you can consider this World to be real as we experience it like that. From that point of view you might say that there isn't any difference. But for me it is, because there is a World outside of which we have no knowledge but it is there. How do I know this? It is because of the pains that we feel while there isn't any reason for it, or smell something while there shouldn't. These are "given" signals from the considered real World.

Why are we in this World?

I try to interpret the signs that are given within this system in the best way. And for me it seems that this reality has been put up here for us to find the truth, if only you use good logic to do so. I do think that the reason why we are stuck here, stems from the post WWII era and how we ended that war. We did a testing on the usage of an atomic bomb and after that it was used on Japan twice. We do not know what kind of effect these nuclear weaponry has, but I do think it is plausible for it to bend spacetime differently. And this change can be detected by aliens, and thus we already were visited by aliens coming in stealth in the post WWII era. And from that Roswell happened. My best judgment is that aliens have put us from that point in this World so that we can learn from our mistakes. And that is all what this simulation is about. But as we have made the same mistake over and over again, then we are caught in a loop within this simulation.

Is the real World or this reality better?

I would speculate that the real World must be better than this representation of a World. But we don't know how long mankind actually has been trapped in here. This as it looks and feels like a repeating simulation. So how has the outside World developed is unknown. It might be disastrous or it might have developed into a great place. We do not know as we cannot see it now. We can only judge that situation at the moment we actually are freed from this system. And if you and I want to be freed from this system for real, then we need to change collectively as One.

What does matter, is Change!

We have been put in here for a reason and that might startle you. We need to learn from our mistakes, and the primary reason for us being here is that we used mass-destruction weapons on our own kind. This is the biggest mistake we can make, but it still was a mistake made by our forefathers. Now we have to show that we have changed for the better, by not making the same mistake again. This as making the same mistake twice, means we decide to do it. And if so, then mankind can be considered to be guilty of it. But if we can show and signal something different from what is expected, then we can prove we have changed. And this change is urgently needed.

Why is change needed now?

Change is needed now, and that has a good reason. Look at what is happening in the World, everything seems to be worsening with crises accumulating and getting more severe. And this must be considered as a sign that the end is near. And that end marks the usage of nuclear weaponry. So time is running out, and we need to change instantly. Without change, we are doomed. The question here is how do we change?

  • The primary way to signal that we have changed is not using nuclear weapons, and by disarming these weaponry instead. It is the only way to get attention of those in charge of this simulation. They expect this Earth to destroy itself, but at the moment-supreme it doesn't happen;
  • The second way is to be kind again. Kindness can be spread in many ways, and can be done on all levels. You can do it personally, companies can help and even on global scale kindness can be spread for sure. Humans and how we think simply needs to change.

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