Wednesday, 1 February 2023

How can basic income help change our World now?

Giving away free money as a government is something many of society object to. But people do not realize that basic income has many advantages on society which do weigh against the cost of it. Especially those in need, such as the homeless, poor, and others in hardship do have rights as well in getting the best help there is. And this kind of help easily can be given through a basic income for the needy. How do I think basic income must be used to help the less fortunate ones and why is it for society important to prioritize in how we are spending our budget?

What is basic income?

A basis income means the following: "Universal basic income (UBI) is a government program in which every adult citizen receives a set amount of money regularly" (lit.1). This money is free and not taxed, and it is unconditionally. This means people don't have to prove anything to get it and there are no strings attached to it as well. Basic income has been tested in many places (such as in Finland lit.2) where people got a standard income every month, without the need to work or any pressure on it as well. And if one would find work or get income, then that wouldn't have any effect on their basic income. It has helped to stabilize peoples health (as they are less stressed about work, money and need to use help less), it has helped to minimize criminalization, it stimulates local consumption as people buy more in their area and it reduces the amount of people sleeping on the streets as well. The overall impression was that basic income helps society in many ways and thus the cost of it weighs against the benefits. So these are important lessons to take into account, as it improves our general well-being in many ways.

"How good we do it as a society, depends on how good we treat and help those in need".

Hardship and difficult times

If basic income would be implemented now right away for everybody, then that would have big financial consequences. But as said, it has many benefits as well. I can see that there might be problems implementing it for everybody right now. But that doesn't mean we cannot use it for those who actually are in need for it. There are many people who find it hard to get around during these financial uncertain times, there are a lot of poor people and consequently there are many people roofless or homeless. And not everybody wants to sleep in a shelter as for many it isn't considered as a safe place. So how can basic income be used to solve the problems for the poor and homeless?

Two wrong decisions and you can be homeless

Many people have debts and their income is needed to finance their spending. So if one gets into financial problems due to health-problems, relationship troubles, divorce, accidents, overspending and so on, then one can get homeless very quickly. You might not see it now, while you have your life settled, but even you can get into such problems that you end up on the streets. And life on the streets isn't a happy place, as you can imagine. One is cold, miserable, hungry and people ignore you completely just like you are worth nothing. Just by making two wrong decisions and you can end up on the streets as well. So from this point of perspective it is wise to learn from those who already are homeless, and try to help them as well. It isn't their fault they end up in this situation as things simply happen. And this can happen to you as well!

How do I think basic income should be used now?

We most likely cannot put basic income in place for everyone now, but we for sure can implement it for those in need. There are many that are poor, homeless, in distress in any way and do need help. In my opinion it is the decent way to act for those who haven't any problems in life. Helping others is what we need to do and basic income is a strong instrument that can be used to lift others out of their sorrow. After helping the homeless and poor with basic income, in time it gradually can expand by including other groups of society. Think about those who do have income, people with health problems, others with basic living hardship, and can barely come around with their money. By lifting up their living standards giving a basic income, they don't have to fear for uncertainty anymore and thus can create a better life. This has many positive effects for sure on them and on society as a whole as well.

Society needs to prioritize for change

You might say, giving away free money like this is un-payable for society. If you start giving away basic income by helping those in need first, then you do what is required to help society as a whole. How good we do it as a society, depends on how good we treat and help those in need. So we don't measure how much money we make, or how far we traveled in space, but we measure it in the quality of life of the most needy ones. This must be the primary method to measure if humans really have compassion for others. Now there are laws that forbid people to be homeless or sleep on the streets, but we should make laws about forbidding people not to help others instead. And if society isn't in order yet, then there is no need to invest billions in going into space or on the military as we can not even care for those on Earth. It means that society needs to prioritize and decide what is really important for our species as a whole. And basic income is a necessary means to an end in preparing this World for the next step in our evolvement.


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