Thursday, 2 February 2023

Why should we change for Aliens?

Looking at what is happening on our planet, then we can only conclude that things aren't going the right way and it might actually end it turmoil and destruction. The path that humanity is on right now, doesn't seem to be the correct one and doesn't seem to have a future. That means we need to make a turn in our timeline, and that means we need to correct ourselves aka we need to change. But it doesn't look like that humanity is ready to change for humans itself. But we can see as well that humans do have a future and that is one with space exploration, including meeting with aliens. So we need to overcome the current bundle of crises by changing our path for a greater cause. Why is it important that we change NOW, and why is the alien agenda significant?

A first good impression by change

If we want to make a first good impression as a society, then we must act by helping the needy. This argument comes from the point of view of how aliens would look at us. This as human society doesn't seem to want to change for humanity itself. So then we must change for a higher good. We humans want to explore the universe in the hope that we encounter alien life. But there is a very good chance that extraterrestrials already have found us after WWII. So we are under judgment now as we are under Alien Assessment as we speak. You might find this strange as we don't see them. But don't we? Isn't there proof enough around to convince you otherwise. There might be aliens around already, or they haven't found us yet, but we need to change. If not for them, then do it for ourselves. We need to change to show them a good and positive signal. And this has good reason.

Where are the aliens now?

I think that it doesn't matter where the aliens are now. We as humanity need to change before meeting them. If they are already here, then we must change to prove that we don't repeat our stupid mistakes again (regarding the usage of nuclear weaponry on our own citizens). But if they aren't here yet, then we need to change in order to make a first good impression. This as the aliens most likely have advanced technologies and brain powers such as telepathy (which is the power to mentally transfer ideas and thoughts to others, but also can read ones mind), and thus they can scan our leaky mind easily. So they will know what we are up to, and they will see instantly what we do on Earth. Even if we are going into space to find aliens on exoplanets, then we still need to prepare ourselves for the best.

They are friendly, but are we also?

There is good reason to stipulate that extraterrestrials are of benign aka friendly nature. They also once have stood on the threshold to explore the stars, and also did imagine meeting hostile aliens or maybe they did encounter bad ones already. Logic dictates that they wouldn't want that to happen again, and thus they search other aliens in stealth by not bothering them at first. If it was concluded that the new aliens are kind then they would make first contact and otherwise they would leave them alone. So the group of good aliens would grow, whilst the group of bad aliens would remain small. Thus the chance is very very high that aliens are friendly. But the question is also, how do they look at us. Are we friendly as well? The first time they probably knew of our existence was when we signaled our position in the galaxy by setting of three nuclear bombs at the end of WWII. And thus our first signal to them was that of mass-destruction. That obviously isn't a good first impression, it actually is a sign that we are bad and thus we are considered the hostile aliens here. This is a good reason that we are in Alien Assessment as we speak.

Why should we change for aliens?

Humans don't seem or don't want to change for humans. You can see it everywhere. People don't seem to care about each-other and in many cases only have disrespect for one and another. But now we are on the threshold to start to explore the universe, as we most likely will find the correct technologies to support it this century or maybe in the next decades already. So if we have the opportunity to find them, then we most likely will. Or they will find us (if they haven't already). But we need to make a good first impression for sure, as we will be judged upon how we treat others for sure. This as aliens expect us to treat them the same way as we treat our own species. So if we still use nuclear weaponry then we are doing the opposite of what they want to find. But if we change for the better by being kind to each-other, then we can give that needed good first impression. Some change are as follows:

  • stop the usage of nuclear bombs and disarm;
  • treat humans good and with respect everywhere on Earth.

Homelessness as an example

With this I need to state that aliens will expect them to be treated the same way as we treat our own species. So the success of mankind must not be measured in our financial success or success in power. The success of Earthlings needs to be measured by the way we treat the needy. If for instance homelessness is forbidden by law and those living on streets are separated, judged or pushed into campsites then we would get a very bad grade. But if we start to help the homeless by giving them basic income, affordable housing, free healthcare and food in their stomach then we can lift our grade for sure. Giving help, being nice, spreading kindness is necessary for man to become mankind again.

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