Thursday, 2 February 2023

Recognize a good society by how the needy are treated

You have a home, a loving family and a nice good paying job, and so you have made it! And it is a dream for many to get to this point. But there are many others who live in hardship and need to fight daily to come around, and those who are unlucky are forced to live on the streets and are needy. How do you react when seeing someone in need or has to get help? Do you react nice, kind and give a helping hand? Sadly many don't and walk past others in disrespect and this is a signal of how good or how bad society is doing. How can one recognize if a society is doing the right thing, can we really sell that we are doing good and how does society need to change for the better?

Treat others the same way you want to be treated

There is only one universal method to judge if a society is a good one. And that is: "Treat others the same way you want to be treated". So if you want to be treated good, then do good yourself to others. This is not only a method to use on Earth, but I do believe it is the method for other species to judge us as well. With this "how we want to be treated" is put into a bigger galactic scale, as extraterrestrials might be judging us as we speak. So the question for Earthlings is, do we treat our species correctly? And I am sorry to say, No, we don't! We have used mass-destruction weaponry on our own citizens, we have waged wars for centuries making deaths and dislocating many, we have suppressed "other-thinking", other religions and other-colored. So can you answer me this question: do you really think we are doing the right thing? We absolutely are doing the wrong thing and that needs to change urgently, as the crisis in the World seem to be worsening, pointing out to an end-point. Without change we are doomed, and thus we have to change!

Can you sell, what we are doing?

How do you and I know, that our society is doing the right thing? You might say be kind and friendly and take care of those who you love. I would agree with that for sure. But if you then ignore the needy and don't offer help to others, then are you making a good example of yourself? No, you aren't, but you actually think you are doing the right thing. This is how I see it on a small scale and it is wrong, and this is also how mankind needs to think as well on a bigger scale. If we still decide to waste much money on war and the military or trying to put earthlings on Mars or other planets nearby, then we are prioritizing wrongly. If we cannot take care of the people on our own planet, then what right to we have to explore other planets? And this is a point of view, you cannot sell for sure. Especially if you try to sell it to aliens, as they will judge us on how we treat the needy. We cannot do the one thing, without also taking care of the remaining problems.

Measurement of compassion

The best way to judge if we are doing the right thing, is to introduce a measurement of compassion. And this must be based upon how we treat the needy. This means how do we treat the homeless, the roofless, the disrespected people, the sick, the immigrants and those living in a desert or in terrible living conditions. We need to collectively be responsible for others, and if we cannot arrange this care for others by ourselves, then it must be put into law. We are all the same as we all have a brain and a heart, and if you were in such a situation then you would want to get the same help as well. I seriously would recommend this measurement of compassion in this World to see how we can improve mankind as a whole. If there still remains one person living in turmoil then we fail, so we must arrange the care for all everywhere.

And how do we pay for this?

I think that this question actually is a joke for sure. We can pay billions for the development of armament and military or for the development of traveling to Mars, then for sure there is enough to go around to help everyone on Earth. The payability is only a question of rearranging priorities and thus helping the needy can be arranged for sure. Using a basic income for the needy is a very effective method to help, and it can increase the living conditions for everyone for sure. We simply need to do so, and that is a simple collective choice!

Arrange collective help

You and I can help those who are in distress by giving help and showing respect. But this can be arranged collectively. For instance if you would see a homeless person you personally could help, but if this would be arranged from society then an organization could take over this care. This would mean arrange a first short-term room to assess the health and mental state. From this treatment and recovery, and then arranging a long-term room to give time to think on how to improve the situation from that point on. During that time they must be given basic income so that one can put oneself in perspective and think on what to do next. And that person should be given the opportunity to reconnect with society as a normal person with the possibility on work or other way for further development. This is a simple way of thinking on how to improve the situation of those in need and that needs to be structured. But the starting point is that people need to recognize those in need and then act on it so that proper help is given instantly. There already are organizations that try to work like this, but for all those in need it isn't sufficient for sure and thus this needs to be upgraded drastically Worldwide.

People need to get aware

We can grade ourselves based on how we treat others and the needy. But people everywhere need to understand that society needs to change for the better this way, and thus we need to get aware. Within this discussion helping the needy is used as a signal to show how we are doing as a society. And currently that signal isn't a good one, so you and I need to act. Collectively we can make a difference for sure, so that we can improve our World as One.

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