Friday, 5 April 2024

What are the easy ways to see this simulation?

Many people have this feeling that there is something wrong with this World, but no-one can tell what it is really about. For me things have changed many years ago already, when I stumbled upon some information that is different from what you hear in general. This is about the reality of thing, this is about if this World is real or not. In a way I found a method to see for yourself that this world is a projection in front of your eyes, aka this World simply isn't real. In order for you to understand, it is important that you see it with your own eyes before you will believe what I am saying. Here I try to give some ways for you to see what I mean. What is the simulation theory and how can you see it with your own eyes using the following 5 methods?

What is the simulation theory?

If everything that you see and experience is part of a simulated reality, then we are talking about the simulation theory or hypothesis. The problem is that till now, no-one has ever proven it to be real. But if we are within a fake reality, then for sure we must be able to see it or register it in some way. If we are, then we must be able to see it with ourselves and thus it is important to investigate our own body in order to recognize if there are any indications that we do live in a simulated World. This is something that I did in 2015 already, and I want to share this information with you.

Energy field around your body

If we are within a simulated World, then this would mean what we see is digital, or with the World projected around us. This would mean that our fake body (as a representation of the real body) would be loaded into this World and thus there must be a energy field or a perimeter around the body or object, which must be detected. In order for us to see this, we need to use enough enlargement, but there for sure must be additional conditions how and when we must be able to see it. 


The following methods are valid ways to test the simulation theory as the test can be repeated endlessly giving the same results. As it is repeatable, easy to do, anyone can do it with reasonable reliability and has high validity then there is high probability for the methods and it's results supporting the simulation theory.

Use your glasses

Method 1: The easiest way to prove the simulation theory is by seeing it with your own eyes. If you are wearing glasses then it might be easier. I have used two +250 glasses, but I used to work with +200 glasses. Now Put the first glasses normally on your nose before your eyes, and put the second glasses on the tip of your nose. Now use a black and white background and put your finger in front of that, looking through the first glasses. If you have positioned it, look through both glasses at your finger with the black and white background. Focus your eyes purely on the rim of your finger (this takes some effort as your eyes are not accustomed to a +4 or +5 enlargement) so the background is out of focus. And there you will see the black or white interaction around your finger with the background color differences. It will look something like pictures you see in this article, but now you can see it with your own eyes. (it probably will take some time before you see it). 

Picture zoom-in method

Method 2: The first picture is actually the other way around, making a photo of the finger using a black and white back-ground and then zooming in on it. Initially I used method 2 and method 5 to prove the simulation theory, but as I want you to see it with your eyes as well I have added the other methods. 

Magnifying glass

Method 3: You can also use a 10x enlargement glass so that you can see it with your own eyes. In that case the instruction would be like this.

Using this method has resulted in a quick video of which I am posting a picture taken at 11 seconds, showing what you can see enlarging the finger with a 10x magnifier with the white-light grey card behind it. It shows the mentioned white and black lines in position a) = white line shows, b) = black line shows, c) = white line disappears and d) = clear black line shows. Especially position d is interesting as with a brighter back-ground the black line seems to get clearer and thicker. Now this photo you might want to safe and zoom in to see it as the lines are only a fraction of a millimeter. But rest assured these lines are there. So what you can see with a mobile phone and taking a picture of it, you can also see now with your own eyes. If you don't see it instantly, try to focus on the finger-rim and stare at it through the magnifier for a minute or so with one eye closed. Gradually you will be able to see what I mean here. So this is another method for you to experience and see that we are not in real reality. PS. it is essential for you to use different back-ground colors as it will show the difference between the reaction of the lines. If you only would use one back-ground color you probably won't see it or the result is all the same so that you won't notice it. 

In the second photo it is a bit clearer where the lines appear. In this photo made looking through a magnifying glass the finger is only about 1.5x bigger then the real finger, so this effect should be visible for any magnifying glass. Here a) and b) are at the shade side and c) and d) at the bright side. At a) we see a thin black line with the white line appear. At b) the black line is more thick most likely as it is near the black background. Then at c) with the black background a clear black line has appeared just around the finger. And if you look closely at d) the white and black line seem to appear as a unclear line but it is there.

The two photo's show that sometimes this effect is clearly visible and sometimes less clear. This obviously depends on the conditions, enlargement, for sure the background colors and from what angle the light shines on it. So this means that you need to play with the cards and your magnifying glass for some time in order to get the wanted result. The room for sure mustn't be too bright, and it seems to work best with a light source at the backside of the card shining towards the card.

Use an old digital camera or laptop

Method 4: When you use an old digital camera or laptop, the pixelation is way bigger then we are used-to currently. As the energy field would be very small to see (as a fraction of a millimeter), but we might be able to distinguish it with big pixels. So how would this look like? In this example I used an old laptop and thus an old camera in it with big pixels. Here I sit wearing a white shirt in front of a black background. And strangely, you clearly see that there is a blacker black line around the rim of the white shirt going over into the less black background. It is specifically this blacker black line, that shouldn't be there. In a normal world, this extreme color variation wouldn't exist, and thus the white would go over in the black background color, without the blacker black line. It is a strong indicator that what we see isn't real.

In front of a laptop screen

Method 5: If there is a energy field around our body, or then there is a good change that a bright light might shine through it. In the given example I have put my finger in front of the laptop screen and the black rim of the screen. At the black rim of the screen the finger shows an additional black line, which is darker than the black rim. At the area of the bright screen you can clearly see that that black line has disappeared and the shape of the finger seems to get less. In comparison, at the area of the bright screen the light shines through the upper-level of the finger.

Can we see this also in objects?

In the following examples using method 2 you can see what is happening around our body, with ordinary objects. Here you see an example of a paper-rim. The background is rather dark, but the paper is white. There is a whiter white line around the paper, which shouldn't be there. The second example is a black power-cord, which with the white background shows a whiter white line around the black power-cord. Also this line shouldn't be there.

It isn't real reality

Having given these examples, it is clear that what we see isn't real. It shows that we must be in a simulated reality, where our body most likely is outside this realm. This also would explain why many people have past-lives, as in a simulated World we can restart again and again experiencing almost the same life over and over again, meeting the same people resulting in déjà-vu experiences, precognitions, and the feeling that we are not alone while we seemingly are.

Check for yourself to see with your own eyes that you are not in real reality!

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