Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Can we wake up from or get out of this simulation?

We live in a fake reality, and we actually can prove that we are in a simulation. This means that we aren't living real life, but it is some projection over our eyes. It is important for us to understand that we have a body outside this system - as we do experience things we cannot explain - and thus we must have the possibility to exit this simulation as well. What are the signals that show us we do have a body outside this simulation and is it possible for us to wake up or get out of this fake World?

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

How do we prove this simulation?

It is for everyone important to understand that we are not in the real World. What you are seeing is a projection aka a simulation that has been put over our eyes. If you want to prove this simulation for your self, you simply take a photo with enlargement of your fingers in front of a white and black background. Then upload it to your computer and enlarge it until you see the black and white lines around your finger (enlargement is needed as these lines only are a fraction of a millimeter wide). As the black and white lines visibly change position depending on the background color (black or white), then we can only conclude that you and I are not solid. This means what you see is not real, and thus is a projection or a simulation. With this we have proven the simulation theory by taking some easy photo's and anyone can do this.

Our body is outside this system

In this discussion it is important for you to know, if our body is outside this simulation or not. And this has an important reason. If you have no body outside this system, then you must be part of this system. But if you experience strange things like smelling something for no reason, feeling someone touch you with no-one around or having pain for no reason as well, then that is a sign from the outside World. Many people have experienced such stimuli and thus we can conclude that there is a body in the real World outside this simulation. So we are not part of this simulation, but only experiencing it and thus we can get out of here.

We need to comply with the desired outcome

Collectively we have been put in this system to learn from it. We as a species have made a big mistake, which was the usage of mass-destruction weapons on our own people. And if we repeat this mistake again, then it isn't a mistake anymore but a concrete decision to do so. If we do, then the system will find us guilty of mass-murder and thus we have no right to exist. But if we do not use these weaponry and continue to exist peacefully, aka we comply with the desired outcome of this system, then we might be able to exit this simulation.

Do we get out of here?

I really can not answer this. But if we are in this simulation to learn from our own mistakes, and we do the right thing by not using nuclear weapons, disarming ourselves everywhere and be kind again, then we might have a chance to get out of here. For this humanity needs to make big but necessary steps, and we mustn't be stubborn. We need to realize in what kind of predicament we currently are in and that we need to change urgently. This as the clock is ticking as everything on Earth seems to be pointing out to an end-point from which we cannot escape. Unless..., unless we change for the better and disarm ourselves. The biggest signal that we can give in this system is to live on and to have peace with one and another. Only with a disarmed Earth, peace and kindness we can survive and have the possibility to get out of here.

Who decides if we get help?

Actually, we collectively decide if we can get help by our actions or dis-actions. It is us who need to change, and we need to be friendly again. It is like two angry parties pulling on the finger-trap, so none of the two can get out. But by giving way, both can get out of the trap. So if the World gives in to this situation, then we might be judged in an easy way resulting in mankind being released from this simulation. Only then we will get a positive decision on our part. Although it is aliens that have put us in this situation due to our own actions in the past, it is us who decides if we can get out of here. And the answer is change and disarmament for sure, and thus we need to share this message to the World. Join in and help us change by spreading this information so that we can get rid of nuclear weapons and change collectively in order for us to get out of this fake reality.

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