Image by John Hain from Pixabay
You are not where you think you are
You might not know this, but you are not in the place that you think you are. We are not on a real planet, but what we are seeing is actually projection in front of our eyes. And this can easily be proven. By taking a simple photo in enlargement in front of a white and black background and zooming in on this you can see the color interacting lines. This for me shows that you and I aren't solid and thus are seeing something that isn't real. So we are in a fake reality. If this is the case, then why are we here and are we actually alive in real reality or not?
We are alive!
If you see the truth of this reality, then the question arises are we alive or is this something in our past life? And this can easily be answered by what our senses tell us. Sometimes we have that feeling something touches us, or someone is near us but we don't see anybody. Or we get a painful or stinging feeling when there is not reason for it, or we have the feeling of something happening already but there isn't any reason for it to happen. And sometimes we smell or taste something, while there isn't any reason for it as well. These are signs of our senses working in the real reality, and the senses are signaling us that we are connected to that body. So we for sure are alive outside this reality, but we don't experience that reality. We only experience what we see in this reality, but if you are observant with your senses, then you can notice that you are alive. So don't let this system fool you in thinking otherwise, you are in a simulation but you are living outside this projection also.
Difference between alive in here and outside
This World is not real, but we experience it for real as we have been put in here to experience it as real as possible. This means all our senses are deluded, so that we think it is all real. But it actually isn't as we can sense things that are not normal. It doesn't seem to fit like it should, and there are signs from the outside "helping" or "informing" us. And this might seem strange, but I do think that the signals - which we can not explain such as pain without any cause or a feeling of something happening without seeing it - are put in place to help us think. So if you notice something happening without seeing it, then you must try to put this signal in some kind of perspective. Maybe you need to do something or maybe you simply need to avoid situations from happening. It shows that we are alive inside this system, but we are also alive outside in the real reality. But the problem is that we do not know, what the outside World is like at the moment and how it has changed. We can only interpret the signals that want to help us. At least we can state that we are not where we think we are!
We must change our ways
Mankind needs to find a new approach in solving things in this system. We aren't doing it the correct way now, and the proof of this is that we simply are stuck here. We want to be free and we want to be happy, that is all we want. But only wanting this, doesn't help us. Mankind needs to see the truth of this system and that we cannot get out of here if we continue on this track of destruction. And things happening in this World are a clear sign that we are doing it wrongly. By showing you this truth, you mustn't sit down and do nothing. Doing nothing, means we will let it happen and thus we are no better than the shown reality. But by doing something, by acting we can stand up and take control of our own lives. And the best way is to live in peace without war, without nuclear weapons and without testing it. You can help now, by spreading this awareness, so we can spread kindness and friendliness.
As a total of 8 billion people are stuck inside this simulation and thus have the same problem, we must be considered all equal in this. But from my point of view it mustn't be considered a problem, but as an opportunity for earth to evolve into something better so that we can live in peace regardless of race, gender, religion, earthling or alien.
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