Sunday, 29 January 2023

Our World must change for a nicer future, the Alien argument

For decades already Earth has been living one push of a button away from total destruction. Nuclear weaponry, constant war and de-location of people everywhere seem to be the standard of how we do things here. And it influences everyone all around the World. If we would be visited by aliens now - for the consideration of joining their galactic society - then they obviously would refuse us for sure, just by looking what is going on on this planet. Our message that we signal is a bad one and that needs to change before it is too late. And time is running out. How do we need to change for a better future?

Disarm nuclear bombs

Within my long discussion on the Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth, I already stated that we most likely already are under judgment by aliens as we speak. They have seen our position within the fast galaxy at the end of WWII already, as we signaled our existence clearly. We used nuclear bombs to end the war with Japan. As there is the possibility that nuclear explosions can change the bending of spacetime a little bit, then this change is noticeable for advanced galactic scanning. This means at the end of WWII aliens already noticed us. But as we used mass-destruction weapons they obviously considered us as hostile aliens, and thus they came to check-up on us in stealth. This means they came to look what was going on here, without us noticing them. And then Roswell happened! At this point we are in a very dangerous situation. Without change this World is doomed, as all the warning signs are out there for us to notice. So we need to change by signaling. It means that we must prevent the doom-scenario at first. The best way to do this is to Stop war and disarm all nuclear weaponry on Earth. As aliens see us as One species then all countries need to comply with the disarmament. And I see this as the primary argument to change the World and to be able to get into contact with aliens.

Change how we rule the World

The problem with some of the politicians and some of the World leaders, is that they are self-centered, have much eager for power, are manipulative and are obsessed with extreme wealth. These are qualities which are unfitting for a better new future. Ruling this World needs to be done from reasoning and logic, without the personal gain and emotional decisions. The leaders of the future need to fight for an improved Earth and make this World a better place for all citizens. Thus those leaders need to have logic and compassion for this World without being influenced by financial stimuli. I for sure would suggest that future leaders need to demonstrate that they can lead by having equanimity. This means being calm in the mind in every situation aka steadiness of the mind under stress and it's a quality that needs to be taught on every level. Only those who have passed equanimity (in the extreme) can lead this World in a body that makes the correct decisions for a better, improved and honest future.

Change how we treat our species

Treat others the same way as you want to be treated is one of the most important rules there is. But we should put this on the alien agenda, as aliens would see us like that. It is the primary signal in how they expect us to treat them as well. So if we use mass-destruction weapons on our own citizens, then that is a good argument for aliens to do the same with us. But it is also a good argument for aliens to expect us to do the same with them. Simply using nuclear bombs in any form, is a sign that we want to be treated like that and a sign that we will treat you like that. And this is the signal that aliens for sure will use to determine if a species is benign or hostile. If you take away nuclear bombs and war, then the World would look like a complete other place which could be trusted by aliens. Instead of fear, anger and threats there would be logic, understanding and hope. If we change how we treat our own species, then that can be seen as the greatest starting point in history. It is the stepping-stone that we as Earthlings need to make / achieve before we can start to explore the galaxy contacting other species.

Change yourself

On a small scale, you yourself can make a difference for sure. Many people already have the urge and feeling to be nice and kind, but that isn't how many other people do things. In this ignorance isn't a bliss, because if the World doesn't think this over then aliens will consider this as the problem. If you see there is a problem, then you need to understand the problem and take action. Only words don't change anything, the World needs action. And this is what you can do. Be positive in all situations, be kind to all, and help wherever you can. In this you need to remember that what you say or do, has influence on other people's life, as you do not know what others are going through. A bad remark or doing a bad thing can have disastrous consequences for someone else. By shifting your mood to the positive side always, you can have great influence on other people for sure. So be kind, nice and honest in order to change the World around you. Also you can help, by changing your ways and do the right thing. I would like to remind you that: If other people don't do it, doesn't mean it is wrong. They might simply not see there is a better way yet. And so it is up to you to make that change. You can change the World by setting an example!

Read on about: Humans want to reach for the stars, why do we need change?

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