Monday, 30 January 2023

Without change the Earth is doomed, create a brighter future

There are many things going on in the World that seem to be worsening and everything seems to be maximizing. A few years ago we only saw some crisis, but these days the crises are accumulating in a big bundle of many resulting in an expected maximum aka end-date. You can see and feel it all around you, just open the newspapers and you can read about it. So if there is an end-date to this Earth then that would mean the World is doomed. And if we don't do anything about it, then the doom-scenario will come true. So why does it seem that we are doomed, and can we do anything about it to prevent the ending?

We are doomed has a reason

Everything that happens in this World is happening for a reason. From about 2008 the crises have been growing in severity and in number, and thus gradually the World has been changing into a strange and weird place. And from my point of view this has meaning. This must be considered as an end-point in our timeline on this Earth, unless we can change for the better. So what is happening in this World as we speak, is actually a warning for things to come. You might not nice it, but the World has gradually been step-stoning into a more and worse situation with crisis getting worse and potential nuclear worldwide destruction at hand. As everything seems to be going this way, then this must have reason. And I think that we as mankind need to learn from this situation, by changing our ways.

We need to learn

It looks like we are in a very serious situation with potential destruction ahead. But I do think it is a warning, so we need to learn from the warning and act on it. So what is the warning and what do we learn from it. It is the end-point that must interest us, as it is the usage of nuclear weaponry which is an acting and reacting situation with bomb coming from both/all sides. In this case it doesn't matter if this World is a simulation or not, it simply needs to be stopped from happening. If not, then we only have hardship to look forward to. So learn from this situation and act on it as well by sharing this information.

People don't seem to care

As this World has been changing step by step into a worst case scenario, but it has happened in a very steady pace without it bothering you too much. It shows that you gradually get used to the new situation, and before you are used to it another change aka worsening of the situation has shown itself. As it changes in small steps, then people do not care and get used to it. And that is a big problem, citizens don't seem to care, don't do anything about it and just accept it. So from that point of view you actually are agreeing with it happening. But you need to get out of the trance that everything will be fine, as it won't be. Without us reacting and taking action, then this World does come to the expected ending. So take charge with me and Change our World, and we need to change instantly.

What do we need to do for a brighter future?

It is obvious that we need to stop the Wars escalating into nuclear Worldwide War, and everything points out for this to happen. So we need to act and we need to change. Most importantly we need to spread this message so that a growing group of people know and understand this outcome, and we need to try to reach the top so that they can be persuaded into not acting foolish by pushing the button. The wars need to stop, soldiers need to drop their weapons on both sides and need to go home. After that we need to disarm all nuclear weaponry so that we can create a better future for ourselves without getting pushed into the worst case scenario. Please be brave and help create a brighter future for all of mankind.

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