If we want to live in a fair and honest World then we need to change it for the better. How can we spread positiveness so that we personally can experience a kind life. #truthseeker #simulationtheory #simulationhypothesis #uap #ufo #kindness #aliens
the World starts with yourself. Being nice and kind to yourself
during difficulties is important, as you don't get down. And do
forgive yourself also if something goes wrong. Mistakes can be made
and you just need to learn from it. But being nice and kind helps
people around you as well, as it might actually be that little thing
someone else simply needs. Being there for others and giving a
helping hand, can make such a difference. What kind of influence do
you personally have on this World, and how can companies help in
influence that you have
you do has influence on your direct surrounding. Friends, family and
people at work directly feel what you think or do. But also others
who you encounter during a day time, are influenced. You might not
know it, but simply by ignoring a homeless person on the street, can
make them feel unappreciated or worse. Not showing interest, not
being bothered with others feelings and only showing interest in
yourself, can make others feel bad. Even if you do show interest it
still depends on what you say or do, what kind of impact you will
have on someone else. Everyone is carrying some baggage of which you
don't have any knowledge. So one might feel bad already (but isn't
showing it), but your actions or words can work like a sword and cut
their motivation. It shows that you can make or break someone else's
day. You can not change the World by yourself, but you can change the
World of one person by being nice. That is the power that you carry
with you everyday! And thus you can use that power in a positive way,
everyday as well.
Influence of forgiving
In this world it is important to forgive abundantly, as it releases your tension with others. Forgiving is something you do for others but also for yourself. But in order to forgive, there for sure must be a reason to forgive them. Something must have happened in the past - or your past life - resulting the problems that you have now. So you need to do something about that. If you do good and bad in your life to others, then it will come back in your life or your next life. But forgiving or saying sorry to someone can actually resolve this kind of karma issue, and thus it won't come back in your life. Also you can forgive at distance, without seeing them. Use your full intent by a method of praying telling you forgive them or say sorry for what you did. It releases the tension at distance, and mostly health-problems will reduce in time. Next to this you can get rid of karma by learning from your mistakes, and being the best person you can be. So think good, talk good and do good are the basics here. But this also comes with a warning. What if you forgive people for something that they haven't done. Then there might be the possibility of them using this free-card to do the thing to you at which you have forgiven them in advance. This is like a backward karma creation, and must be avoided at all cost. So be careful as well when you forgive.
nice and kind
a smile, a friendly face, a nice remark or giving a little something
to a stranger, can have great impact. There seems to be lack of this
a lot these days. People are influenced in a negative way by things
happening in the World and one actually feels it in ones wallet.
During difficult and hard times, the group of people having problems
gradually is growing. This situation seems to be hard to handle for
the many, as we try to survive ourselves. But even then you should
try to make the best of it, and the best way to do it is by being
nice and kind. Others have many problems to overcome and your help
might be that little push they need to keep going. Make a change by
helping others, be nice and kind or give a helping hand.
can companies do to change?
companies hire people at low wages, but rake in big profits. And the
question here is how much profit is enough for these companies,
whilst their staff hardly can come around. This seems to be a very
serious situation, as the workers don't seem to be paid fairly for
their hard work. Without the workers, that company wouldn't make any
profit and thus it is logical to reward them for it. For me it is
hard to understand that hard-working people are punished for hard
work whilst their managers and directors swim in money. And in many
cases the owner of these companies are proud of it as well. This
example actually shows one of the seven Deadly sins, namely Pride.
There are two types of pride. One is the good one, one has worked
hard and shares the profits with the helpers and has pride of their
accomplishments. The other one is the bad one. One is proud of the
company but doesn't share their wealth with those who actually have
earned it. Such companies you can find everywhere and are examples of
how it shouldn't be done. But companies can change their attitude for
the better. By rewarding the workers fairly, by stimulating families,
by giving others opportunities and for instance provide food and
shelter for those in need. The rich don't have to become more rich
while others don't know how to make it to their next paycheck.
Equality can start at any company for sure. In this I would like you
to remember, that if other companies don't do it, doesn't mean that
your company shouldn't. You as a company should recognize the
importance of your staff and their surrounding, by helping wherever
you can.
income for a better World
is very important to create equality for everyone everywhere on
Earth. This means the same means, same opportunities, same help and
so on. A widely discussed method is basic income. With this everyone
gets money from the state enough to have a roof over their heads and
food in their stomach. It results in a enormous boost of equality and
solves many problems instantly (such as homelessness, health
problems, partly crime) and stimulates opportunities for everyone.
Such a system should be used to solve basic problems in our society
and can be provided for those who need it urgently. This can be
implemented now to help the poor and roofless person immediately. I
am not suggesting that basic income should be implemented now for
everyone, but I am suggesting to use basic income now for those in
need and with this I do believe that the profits for society as a
whole are more then the cost of basic income itself. Use basic income
to solve urgent problems in this World now, so that we can start to
Change collectively!
thousands of years mankind has been gazing up to the stars, and now
we do have the opportunity to reach for them as well. It seems to be
the normal way of evolution to start exploring the universe. But we
need to think about how we do that and when we do it. You might say
we can reach for the stars already, but can we really? We might be
able to do it from our technological knowledge in a few decades, but
there is more that we need to prepare. Aliens will instantly know
what we are about, by just scanning our leaky mind. So if we live in
peace, in equality and everyone has the same chances with
opportunities, then we make a good impression, but if there is much
inequality, starvation, wars and de-location of people then do we
still make a good impression?
has just arrived
would be very selfish to state that we are the first species reaching
for the stars. Our galaxy is billions of years old and there are also
billions of stars and exoplanets that potentially have intelligent
life. And they might have evolved millions of years before humans
have. So they have reached for the stars, whilst earth still was
trying to survive with dinosaurs. Regarding exploring the galaxy and
reaching for the stars, humanity has just been born and we still
don't know how to act and how to use appropriate technologies. But at
the same time aliens have been through it all. They have evolved into
logic based friendly extraterrestrials. I specifically say this, that
they are logical and kind, as it is the obvious way for intelligent
life to evolve. I will explain.
based thinking
a species evolves, there will be a point in time when they would have
looked and analyzed their own methods or reacting to problems. An
example is human emotion and how these emotions influence decision
making. Many decisions we make are based on emotions alone, and in
many cases these decisions are bad ones. Think of decisions made out
of love, fear or hate which can have disastrous consequences. If one
takes control of ones emotions, then these negative consequences can
be avoided altogether. For this you need to get into a state of mind
where you feel emotions come and go, but they don't influence how you
think or how you act. When you are able to do that, then you can make
decisions which purely are based on logic. Aliens most likely have
evolved through this as well, and thus their decision making purely
is based on logic. If we want humans to be able to talk with aliens,
then we need to take emotions out of the equation, aka we need to
learn how to make good decisions based on logic without being lead by
emotions. This doesn't mean we can't be emotional, but we need to
separate decisions from emotions.
are benign
assure you, you don't have to be afraid of aliens and that has a good
reason. Aliens have just like us once been in the situation to reach
for the stars, but also for them the question arose what to do if
they would encounter hostile aliens. With this there are two options
to occur:
they feared such an encounter and thus they would take appropriate
measures to protect themselves;
they did explore the universe and consequently encountered aliens.
But they met hostile aliens which ended badly and thus they won't
want to repeat that situation by protection.
obvious question is how would they protect themselves? You might say
with weaponry, and they most likely have it as a last resort simply
for protection. But this isn't the primary way to protect oneself.
They would use stealth aka come in secret without the visited species
knowing about it. That way they know for sure they are protected and
can determine in safety if the new species is benign or hostile. In
that case there are also two options occurring:
the visited species is considered hostile. In this case they simply
would let that species alone;
the visited species is considered benign. Here lies the opportunity
for the aliens. They would make first contact and most likely would
invite the new species to join the alien society.
last point has many advantages. The good aliens would be a growing
group of good species, sharing their technologies and knowledge. It
is the best way to defend oneself as a benign species against
threats. The hostile aliens on the other hand would not get the
opportunity to join the alien society and thus wouldn't have all the
advantages. The hostile aliens would develop very slow and their
numbers would be minimal compared to the benign alien group. From
this we can stipulate that aliens are benign, friendly and kind.
have to change
two reasons show what aliens are like. They make decisions based on
logic and reasoning, and they are kind. Now you can say, we are like
that for sure. Then I would ask you: "Are we really kind and are
we really logical?". To answer this question you must open your
eyes and see what is going on this World. And the message you see,
isn't a good one. There have been Wars in many countries, people have
been chased out of their homes and countries, there is poverty
everywhere with a small rich group not caring about the rest. If an
alien would see this happen, then what would they think? Would they
think we are friendly and kind, or would they think we are difficult,
unfair, hostile and armed to the teeth? I guess you know the answer
to that yourself. We are considered the hostile aliens here and from
that point of view the aliens wouldn't want to do anything with us.
So per definition we are separated from the good alien group, unless
we change. An additional problem is that we use emotional based
thought and decisions made from that in many cases are faulty. If we
really want to communicate with aliens, then we need to use logic
without the emotional factor. This would mean we need to train in
having equanimity so that decisions aren't based on our emotions.
one makes a mistake, then one is supposed to learn from it as well.
But is that actually going on in this World. Do we learn from our
mistakes? That is a good question. It seems like that things
happening in this World are taken for granted and consequences are
swallowed without any argument. People don't seem to care about what
is going on and that can end in an awful and painful situation. If
the World doesn't learn from its mistakes and repeats it, then we are
doomed to fail as a society. Can mankind learn from its mistakes or
is this how far we can get?
after war
World Wars have ended in millions of deaths, but the second World-war
has ended by using nuclear bombs. From that point on Earth has lived
in a status quo with constant wars being fought in far places
creating much problems, mayhem and disturbance. Even you will feel
the consequences of the latest War happening and it doesn't look like
it will end nicely. The chance is high that mankind will repeat it's
mistakes again, by using nuclear mass-destruction weaponry on its own
time isn't a mistake, but ...
mistake is a mistake, only if it happens once. If a mistake happens
twice then it must be considered a decision. This as people need to
learn from one's mistakes so that it doesn't happen again. And
luckily till this day nuclear weapons haven't been used in order to
destroy one and another (expect for testing it). But if at the end of
the last war we use nuclear weapons again, then we signal that we
haven't learned from what has happened at the end of WWII. Ending
WWII with nuclear bombs must be seen as a mistake as we can not
understand what consequences these weaponry can have. But if we start
using it again, then we are all complicit.
we the people complicit?
who push the button, people who work for that army and people who
decide on what happens must be complicit of the things happening.
Wars are fought out because people at the top decide it has to be
done that way. So they obviously are complicit in it. But that
doesn't give all other people a clean sheet. If you know that this
seems to be happening, then you ought to do something about it as
well. Change the World and stop this foolishness! If we know that
something is going to happen, but we do nothing about it then we are
complicit as well. Doing nothing when you actually should do
something is one of the Seven Deadly Sins aka Sloth. Just by looking
at the sideline whilst others are fighting and you can do something
about it, means that you are complicit. So then we need to do
something as well about this current situation in the World. And you
can help.
can you do for mankind?
need to show that there is another way in ending this bad situation
on Earth. Compassion, understanding, love and hope should be the four
cornerstones on which our future must be build. And thus we must
change and you can change by doing the right thing. This can be in
your personal life by helping those in need or just giving a smile,
but it can also be done by spreading the Word for Change. We need to
put the Kind back into Mankind as without the kind part only man
remains. So we need to help one and another, and we need to change
collectively. But as the World situation seems to be very urgent,
then we need to act quickly and now. We need to stand up and stand
out by making our position clear that we want Change in this World
and that we want it now. Without change our World is doomed and thus
the only hope we have is by giving an alternative message to the
World. Spreading the good Word is necessary so that you and I can
enjoy a brighter future by Changing this World now.
There are many things going on in the World that seem to be worsening and everything seems to be maximizing. A few years ago we only saw some crisis, but these days the crises are accumulating in a big bundle of many resulting in an expected maximum aka end-date. You can see and feel it all around you, just open the newspapers and you can read about it. So if there is an end-date to this Earth then that would mean the World is doomed. And if we don't do anything about it, then the doom-scenario will come true. So why does it seem that we are doomed, and can we do anything about it to prevent the ending?
We are doomed has a reason
that happens in this World is happening for a reason. From about 2008
the crises have been growing in severity and in number, and thus
gradually the World has been changing into a strange and weird place.
And from my point of view this has meaning. This must be considered
as an end-point in our timeline on this Earth, unless we can change
for the better. So what is happening in this World as we speak, is
actually a warning for things to come. You might not nice it, but the
World has gradually been step-stoning into a more and worse situation
with crisis getting worse and potential nuclear worldwide destruction
at hand. As everything seems to be going this way, then this must
have reason. And I think that we as mankind need to learn from this
situation, by changing our ways.
need to learn
looks like we are in a very serious situation with potential
destruction ahead. But I do think it is a warning, so we need to
learn from the warning and act on it. So what is the warning and what
do we learn from it. It is the end-point that must interest us, as it
is the usage of nuclear weaponry which is an acting and reacting
situation with bomb coming from both/all sides. In this case it
doesn't matter if this World is a simulation or not, it simply needs
to be stopped from happening. If not, then we only have hardship to
look forward to. So learn from this situation and act on it as well
by sharing this information.
don't seem to care
this World has been changing step by step into a worst case scenario,
but it has happened in a very steady pace without it bothering you
too much. It shows that you gradually get used to the new situation,
and before you are used to it another change aka worsening of the
situation has shown itself. As it changes in small steps, then people
do not care and get used to it. And that is a big problem, citizens
don't seem to care, don't do anything about it and just accept it. So
from that point of view you actually are agreeing with it happening.
But you need to get out of the trance that everything will be fine,
as it won't be. Without us reacting and taking action, then this
World does come to the expected ending. So take charge with me and
Change our World, and we need to change instantly.
do we need to do for a brighter future?
is obvious that we need to stop the Wars escalating into nuclear
Worldwide War, and everything points out for this to happen. So we
need to act and we need to change. Most importantly we need to spread
this message so that a growing group of people know and understand
this outcome, and we need to try to reach the top so that they can be
persuaded into not acting foolish by pushing the button. The wars
need to stop, soldiers need to drop their weapons on both sides and
need to go home. After that we need to disarm all nuclear weaponry so
that we can create a better future for ourselves without getting
pushed into the worst case scenario. Please be brave and help create
a brighter future for all of mankind.
decades already Earth has been living one push of a button away from
total destruction. Nuclear weaponry, constant war and de-location of
people everywhere seem to be the standard of how we do things here.
And it influences everyone all around the World. If we would be
visited by aliens now - for the consideration of joining their
galactic society - then they obviously would refuse us for sure, just
by looking what is going on on this planet. Our message that we
signal is a bad one and that needs to change before it is too late.
And time is running out. How do we need to change for a better
nuclear bombs
my long discussion on the Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth, I
already stated that we most likely already are under judgment by
aliens as we speak. They have seen our position within the fast
galaxy at the end of WWII already, as we signaled our existence
clearly. We used nuclear bombs to end the war with Japan. As there is
the possibility that nuclear explosions can change the bending of
spacetime a little bit, then this change is noticeable for advanced
galactic scanning. This means at the end of WWII aliens already
noticed us. But as we used mass-destruction weapons they obviously
considered us as hostile aliens, and thus they came to check-up on us
in stealth. This means they came to look what was going on here,
without us noticing them. And then Roswell happened! At this point we
are in a very dangerous situation. Without change this World is
doomed, as all the warning signs are out there for us to notice. So
we need to change by signaling. It means that we must prevent the
doom-scenario at first. The best way to do this is to Stop war and
disarm all nuclear weaponry on Earth. As aliens see us as One species
then all countries need to comply with the disarmament. And I see
this as the primary argument to change the World and to be able to
get into contact with aliens.
how we rule the World
problem with some of the politicians and some of the World leaders,
is that they are self-centered, have much eager for power, are
manipulative and are obsessed with extreme wealth. These are
qualities which are unfitting for a better new future. Ruling this
World needs to be done from reasoning and logic, without the personal
gain and emotional decisions. The leaders of the future need to fight
for an improved Earth and make this World a better place for all
citizens. Thus those leaders need to have logic and compassion for
this World without being influenced by financial stimuli. I for sure
would suggest that future leaders need to demonstrate that they can
lead by having equanimity. This means being calm in the mind in every
situation aka steadiness of the mind under stress and it's a quality
that needs to be taught on every level. Only those who have passed
equanimity (in the extreme) can lead this World in a body that makes
the correct decisions for a better, improved and honest future.
how we treat our species
others the same way as you want to be treated is one of the most
important rules there is. But we should put this on the alien agenda,
as aliens would see us like that. It is the primary signal in how
they expect us to treat them as well. So if we use mass-destruction
weapons on our own citizens, then that is a good argument for aliens
to do the same with us. But it is also a good argument for aliens to
expect us to do the same with them. Simply using nuclear bombs in any
form, is a sign that we want to be treated like that and a sign that
we will treat you like that. And this is the signal that aliens for
sure will use to determine if a species is benign or hostile. If you
take away nuclear bombs and war, then the World would look like a
complete other place which could be trusted by aliens. Instead of
fear, anger and threats there would be logic, understanding and hope.
If we change how we treat our own species, then that can be seen as
the greatest starting point in history. It is the stepping-stone that
we as Earthlings need to make / achieve before we can start to
explore the galaxy contacting other species.
a small scale, you yourself can make a difference for sure. Many
people already have the urge and feeling to be nice and kind, but
that isn't how many other people do things. In this ignorance isn't a
bliss, because if the World doesn't think this over then aliens will
consider this as the problem. If you see there is a problem, then you
need to understand the problem and take action. Only words don't
change anything, the World needs action. And this is what you can do.
Be positive in all situations, be kind to all, and help wherever you
can. In this you need to remember that what you say or do, has
influence on other people's life, as you do not know what others are
going through. A bad remark or doing a bad thing can have disastrous
consequences for someone else. By shifting your mood to the positive
side always, you can have great influence on other people for sure.
So be kind, nice and honest in order to change the World around you.
Also you can help, by changing your ways and do the right thing. I
would like to remind you that: If other people don't do it, doesn't
mean it is wrong. They might simply not see there is a better way
yet. And so it is up to you to make that change. You can change the World by setting an example!
are fascinated by the stars and how our planet revolves around the
Sun and how our solar system interacts with the galaxy. Especially
the idea that there might be alien life outside our planet, seems to
be fascinating for many. It is the origin of many Hollywood movies,
but sadly with the depiction of hostile aliens. We gaze up to the
stars expecting to find amazing things on exoplanets and other being
or entities. We cannot start to imagine what is up there and thus we
want to find out. So if we start to explore the stars and exoplanets,
then can we expect aliens out there and are they friendly?
there aliens?
our galaxy alone, there are billions of stars with every star
potentially having planets. For the sake of argument if every star
has an average of 4 planets around them, then what is the change of
having life. Say on 0.01% has life, then there would be
4*1,000,000,000*0.01% = 400,000 planets with life. And if only 0.1%
of those planets with life have intelligent life, then there still
would be 400,000*0.1% = 400 planets per 1 billion planets with
intelligent life. This means there is a good chance that there are
planets with sentient beings who eventually in there evolution have
been looking up to the stars and think what is up there? And as they
might have evolved thousands or millions of years before us, then
there obvious will be aliens with more advanced technologies who
already have reached for the stars. In this perspective Earthlings
have just put the first step on the galactic evolutionary ladder. And
with their advanced technologies they most likely can scan the
universe for abnormalities indicating life. This means that they
already have detected our presence within the galaxy.
know what we think
aliens for sure would use reasoning and logic in any form for making
up their minds. We humans in almost all cases use emotions to make up
our minds, but many decisions made with emotions such as love or fear
are wrong decisions. And so logic dictates that aliens would have
evolved out of emotional decision making into logical decision
making. And it is with this logical thinking that they will judge
other species such as Earthlings. The most basic method for aliens to
see if other species are benign or hostile is by looking at how they
treat their own species. Benign species treat each-other with
dignity, equality and peace, but hostile species can use mass
destruction weaponry on their own. If we want to reach for the stars
and encounter them, then they simply scan our leaky brain and know
how we treat our own kind. So aliens would know instantly that we are
benign or hostile. They know what we think, just by listening to our
are friendly
their evolution, aliens would also have gazed up the sky with awe to
know what is up there. But just like us, they would have had the fear
as well to encounter species with hostile intent. And they actually
might have encountered bad species as well and decided not to have
anything to do with hostile species like that again. And thus they
would search for alien life, in stealth. If they would find benign
species, they would make first contact so that they can join them.
But if they would encounter hostile species, they wouldn't make
contact at all. So this means that there is a growing group of
friendly aliens out there, and a small separated group of bad aliens.
And as the good group works together then they have all the
advantages. This means that the chance is very high that if we
encounter aliens, then it would be with friendly intent.
we friendly?
we act on Earth defines if we are considered benign or hostile. Many
people believe in love and peace, and that would be the message that
we should spread. But there are also people who only seek power and
prospect for themselves, which in many cases results in war. And this
is the signal that we send out to them. We are fighting each-other
all the time and potentially can use nuclear weaponry. This situation
as an act, can only be interpreted as hostile. And as we treat our
own species like this, then aliens can only expect that we will treat
them the same way.
need to change on Earth already
aliens will know, then there is no need for us to reach for the stars
now. You only see the news about what happens on this Earth and how
people treat each-other to understand that we need to change and must
change now. If we want to meet aliens, then we need to make a very
positive first impression. And that impression for sure would be a
very bad one at this moment. The World has many crises with
potentially nuclear war at our horizon. That must be prevented at all
cost, as such an act will set us back into the stone age for sure.
But if we stand up together and make a voice for Change then that
could have an impact. And we need to change now, as - looking at the
World events - time has run out!
can we make a good first impression?
like NASA, UN as an example should stand up for equality and the same
chances for everyone, and a World without poverty, homelessness,
hunger. If these organizations only want to seek power, without
changing the World as well for the better, then we still would make a
very poor impression. It is amazing that we can land space aircraft's
on the Moon, Mars or Venus, but we cannot help our own people from
starvation and disrespect. So if we really want to make a good
impression, then we need to change, and we need to change now. These
and other organizations should work together in improving life on
Earth for everybody first. And if in many decades we have our Earth
in order, then we can reach for the stars making first contact with
want to have a peaceful World, and we want to reach for the Stars.
But before we can reach for the stars, we need to change this place
that we are living in first. There are unmistakably many things wrong
with this World and everyone can see it by just looking at the news.
But also how people treat each-other is a big sign on some of the
essential problems of this system. Mankind doesn't seem to be kind
anymore, and that has to Change as time seems to be running out. Why
is it important for people to change now, and how must mankind change
for the better?
is running out
about 2008 and on everything on Earth seems to have become strange
and weird with currently crises accumulating into a maximum.
Obviously that maximum is almost here and it can only end in
destruction... The only option that we have is to change ourselves,
so that this maximum point never happens. Time is running out as we
speak and thus we need to act quickly. Change can be quick if
everyone understands that there is an end-point in this time-frame.
So how do we do that and why is it necessary?
looks like that mankind can not change for itself, as people do not
see there is a higher reason for change. But if we want to reach for
the stars in our galaxy, and aliens actually are out there then we
should show them that we come in peace. And the best way to show this
is by signaling. This signaling must start on our planet already, as
they will know what we are all about just by scanning our minds. So
how do we signal? We start by changing ourselves, by doing the right
biggest concern from an Alien point of view is the nuclear arsenal
that we possess and the power that it gives us. But it is considered
as a very bad thing, as nuclear weaponry are used for
mass-destruction. If our species is capable of destroying our own
citizens with these kinds of weapons, then we most certainly can
destroy aliens in the same way. By disarming all our nuclear weapons,
we signal that we have changed and that we come in peace. It is the
biggest and probably the only correct signal that we can give, so
that aliens know that we have changed. By doing this we can survive
the current maximization of crises, and it most likely is the only
person on this planet, in essential is the same. We all have a brain,
all have a heart and thus we are the same. We should respect one and
another, smile and be kind. But this is a quality that only the few
have. If someone needs our help, then we should give a helping hand.
But in most cases people just walk past the homeless or poor person
in disrespect. This as one seems to be feeling much better than the
other. The same goes with the disrespect the rich seem to show the
poor, and this inequality seems to be growing constantly. This is the
opposite of the natural state a good society should be working on.
Equality and the same chances for everyone are essential in creating
a better society.
kind is necessary for the continuity of a society. It is the only way
for mankind to survive and thus we must focus on this quality and its
development. Being kind, having respect, being nice to everyone is
essential and for this mankind needs to change. Without kindness
mankind will be doomed. And this is exactly what this World is about.
The maximization of crises is only a signal to us to show that time
is running out, unless we change for the better by being kind. Having
kindness towards everybody is important, as you do not know what
someone else is going through. Your respect of disrespect through
your actions or spoken word can make or break a person's day. So what
you think, say or do influences other people greatly. Being kind is
the only way for mankind to evolve into a better species.
others like you want to be treated
wants to be treated well, good and nice. This is a quality that you
should try to give in all situations, even if others don't do it.
Eventually they will change for the better. By doing good to others,
results in them getting into a better emotional state which leads to
them showing a better attitude. So being good is just like a droplet
in water. It starts as a single droplet with influence circles around
it. But when another person picks up this positivity then they can
influence others in a positive way as well. If you want others to
treat you nice, then you should start to treat others nice as well.
It is a give and take situation. But if no-one gives, then no-one
takes. You can change this, start by being nice and start by noticing
people in need or help. With a small gesture, a talk or a smile you
can have influence on someone's life in a positive way.
main argument to bring the Kind back into Mankind, is from the point
of view that we are being judged as we speak. And we are under
judgment by Aliens. You do not know this as you cannot see this, but
they are here. So what is the reason for mankind being judged by
Aliens right now, why do I believe that they come in peace and how do
we go from there?
are we under judgment?
have signaled to the universe in the past by using a nuclear test
bomb at first, then one on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki. These were
our signal to the universe that humans are here on this planet and it
was detected! They came here, but as we used nuclear weaponry, they
came in stealth and in fear. Logic dictates that we should be very
cautious with hostile aliens, and we are the ones considered hostile.
As they came here and saw us being armed to the teeth, they put us
under judgment. The judgment is about whether we can join their alien
galactic society or not. But as we don't seem to change or are too
stubborn, then their judgment will continue until the last moment.
And that we need to change is obvious, as the maximum in the current
World affairs is of destruction.
can't we see them?
fear our actions! You might ask, why do they fear us as we clearly
fear them? We only fear them as we are unaware of things to come. But
if you set aside the unknown and set aside your basic instincts aka
your emotions, then only logic remains. And they do fear us, for our
potential of destruction. But it is also their logic that dictates
that we cannot see them. They are here in stealth, but that doesn't
mean it is a bad thing for us. We still are being judged and thus we
still have the opportunity to do the right thing. But it is up to us
for sure. They won't show themselves until the point that we start
signaling the expected thing, which is Kindness.
come in peace
stated in the Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth,
the chance is very high that if there are aliens around, then they
come in peace. We are used to Hollywood movies depicting a violent
entry of aliens, who only have interest in harvesting this planet and
then go on. If they are here and this would be the case, then we
wouldn't be speaking right now. But there is another important reason
why they come in peace. They have been around for a long time already
- as can be expected in this fast and a million year old galaxy - and
thus they have very advanced technologies and have made contact with
other societies. But with them reaching to the stars, they would have
come in contact with hostile aliens as well. From that they learned
and thus they would come in stealth before making first contact. They
would want to know at first hand if the alien society is benign or
dangerous. If they see that the new society is benign then they can
join their alien galactic society. But if they are hostile then they
cannot join. This is the main argument that a bigger growing group of
extraterrestrial societies must consist of benign aliens, with the
hostile group of aliens remaining small. So the chance is very high
that they will come in peace, as they most likely come from the big
benign alien group.
what do we need to do?
need to understand that there is nothing to fear. If aliens would
come here or are already here, then they would come in stealth aka we
couldn't see them at first. This as they want to protect themselves
and need to be sure what we are all about. They would be looking for
signs that we are a benign and kind society. Currently we have many
problems on Earth as crises seem to be maximizing everywhere, with
wars in many places and people dislocating from their homes.
Obviously these are signals that they will interpret as not good. We
do not treat our citizens in a proper or respectful way, and thus
they will expect us to do the same with them. So we need to put the
Kind back into Mankind, by being nice and kind again. It is important
for us to disarm all nuclear weaponry and never use them again. Next
to that we need to try help everyone on this planet, wherever they
use the basic rule: "treat others the same way as you want to be
treated". And I agree very much on this point of view. If you
want to be treated nice by others, then you should start to do so as
well. But this goes also for the bigger picture. If - as stated -
Aliens are here right now then we as a species must show them how we
will treat them, by treating our own citizens in the best way. If the
Aliens see that we are Kind and non-threatening, then they will be
Kind to us as well. But if they see us armed to the teeth and
prepared to push the button, then they will remain distant. You
wouldn't come close to a barking dog as well. So if humanity has
goals to reach for the stars, then we need to show an open and kind
society to them. Man needs to change by being nice again!
Everyone knows that being positive, has a good influence on people around us. But being positive and a good person isn't a quality that everyone of us has. This can be due to bad things happening in a person's life, trauma's or continual being influenced in a negative way. And this is exactly what the World seems to be doing in these times of uncertainty. Crises seem to be pounding on the world constantly and obviously have a negative effect on the mental state of people. "Positivity is the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude" and this positivity needs to be practiced in order to become optimistic again. How can positivity help people in becoming a good person and how can one's emotional control with actions help us and others surrounding us?
Table of contents
Having a positive vibe
How can equanimity help?
How do you react to an angry person?
Being in control of yourself
Mankind doesn't seem to be nice anymore and has lost the kind part. Being positive and kind to others is the main ingredients for humans to be able to live in peace together. It is necessary for all humans on Earth to be able to live together. How can you personally change for a better future and how can you do it better for yourself and your surrounding by being nice, thinking good, talking good and doing good?
Having a positive vibe
Positiveness works like a dimple caused by a stone thrown in water. If you are positive, kind and fair, then this vibe has a positive influence on the people surrounding you. Then these people also get more positive resulting in a spreading of kindness. Obviously this is easier said than done as the World seems to be in a continual state of negativeness. And that is exactly what we need to change. Being kind is the essential being of humans, but many seem to have forgotten this part of the word mankind. Without the kind part there only remains man and that is something that we must prevent at all cost, by being gentle, kind and having friendliness with everyone around us in every situation.
"You can actually see or feel your emotional state come and go, as your mind and body tries to react on a specific situation".
Being a good person
If you want to be a good person, then you need to be consistent with how you react and what you do. The basic with this would be: thinking good, talking good and doing good.
Thinking good
The best way to react on a situation is by thinking before reacting. If you have thought about a situation then in most cases you don't do anything which you shouldn't. Just thinking for five or more seconds can give you the wisdom to do the correct thing. Impulse reactions on situations can result in doing the wrong thing and thus it is better to think before doing (this also goes for split-second decisions such as in dangerous situations, but most often our instinct jumps into action).
Talking good
"Words are more powerful than a sword". Anything that you say, can have a positive or a negative effect on others. With this it is especially wise to remember that you do not know, what others are going through. What you say can actually make or break someone for that day, but what you say can also change how others think as well. So you can change someone's thinking by what you are saying. As words can be a very powerful tool in specific circumstances, then you must know how to use your words and understand completely the message that you try say. Talking good can make someone's day, but talking bad can brake it which potentially can have devastating consequences. For this reason you should speak clearly and positively with all that you encounter or meet everyday.
Doing good
Thinking good and talking good will lead to doing good as well. What we say and do reflects on who we are as a person. But in many cases just words aren't enough. Like politicians who say or promise something but do the opposite instead. This means that words need to be followed with actions. If something is said or promised but you don't do anything about it, then those words have been in vain. So doing good means acting good, but it also means learning from your mistakes. You are just human and can make mistakes, but if a wrong mistake is repeated constantly then that would mean a concrete decision to do so. You must and can make mistakes, so that you learn from it and thus don't repeat the mistake again. That is the only way to become a good person. When you understand how to do good, then you see opportunities in every daily life to do so.
"As your positiveness comes in a natural way, then this will reflect automatically in your actions as well".
How can equanimity help?
The way people react to others mainly depends on the person's emotional state. People have many kinds of emotions such as trust, joy, anticipation, anger, disgust, sadness, surprise or fear. From these emotional states a person can react on a person accordingly. But if you have control over these emotional states or are aware that you are influenced by these states, then you can do something about it. A useful method to cope with your emotional state is controlling it with equanimity. This is "a mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation". It means that you try to stay focused during any of your emotional states. You can actually see or feel your emotional state come and go, as your mind and body tries to react on a specific situation. If you have this control then you can remain positive as emotions can come and go, without interfering with your state of mind.
How do you react to an angry person?
Most common reaction is being angry or having an emotional state resulting in anger. As someone is angry, it means that they do not have control over their own emotions. A thing that you should remember is that you shouldn't try to convince or argue with someone who is in this emotional state as they will not listen to reason. So the focus when you are confronted with an angry person (such as an angry customer) should be on listening and showing understanding in order for them to drain their anger. If you show in that state that you are trying to help them, then their anger will go away or get less. While listening you can try to think of a solution for their current problem. If you are in a relationship and your partner is angry, then the most effective way is to just be quiet without being judgemental. Things said during an angry state in most cases weren't meant like that, and thus shouldn't be taken seriously. Just let it be and it will pass quickly for sure. Do not get into their emotional state, which obviously will worsen the situation. Remaining neutral is essential in order for others to drain their anger, whilst you shouldn't take it personally. You can compare this with water and fire. If one has a temper like fire but the other remains like water, then the fire will be drained away aka will be put out. When this situation re-occurs regularly, then the intensity of it will reduce and gradually the frequency of their emotional state will reduce as well.
Being in control of yourself
The best way to be positive is to have control of your emotions and emotional state. If you can distance yourself from the emotions, then you can see them come and go. It gives you freedom to make decisions and take actions without being interfered or lead by emotions. This also gives you the opportunity to take action as a good person. Thinking, talking and doing good are a simple consequence of your positive mental state. With this comes the responsibility in acting good as well, but as your positiveness comes in a natural way, then this will reflect automatically in your actions as well. As you are positive and act like it, then this will have a positive effect on others around you and so being a positive person can have a dimpling effect resulting in others surrounding you getting positive as well. Let's make the World positive again by being a good person!
on Alien assessment of nuclear armed Earth
have written this discussion in order for mankind to understand that
we need to be sending a positive Signal for aliens to know that we
come in peace. Most of humanity fear the influence of the unknown,
and especially if the source is from an Earth-like habitat aka from
outside the Earth. Aliens, extraterrestrial beings and entities are
the source of terrible and horrific stories, and this idea has been
fed by the production of many popular Hollywood movies. In most
cases, it stems from the idea that aliens must be of hostile nature
and thus have come to wipe us out. Obviously this is a great point of
concern, especially when humans have started to look for life outside
our planet. But as you will read you will start to understand that
the probability is high, that they come in peace as well and don't
mean any harm. Next to that there is also the problem of
miscommunication as we do not know how to talk to them. So how do we
talk to aliens, how do we show we come in peace and how do we Signal
that we mean no harm?
have considered the possibility that writing such a book/ discussion
might actually be a threat to me as a human being, but as the aliens
most likely are here for our assessment then this discussion must be
the starting point of understanding and cooperation between
Earthlings and aliens. As I start to understand that it is all about
signaling, then we as humanity need to start doing so. With this
writing I try to convince You that it is necessary for us to change,
and that we need to change now. Without change, we will for sure get
a negative advice or negative judgment, and thus they won't allow us
to join them. You might think this is far-fetched, but you are
actually not in the place where you think you are!
that we need to start signaling is urgent, as we are in a simulation
as we speak. You might find this idea strange, but I will show you a
method, that you can use to check yourself within 10 minutes that you
actually also are. Check for yourself so that you also can prove the Simulation Theory. As we are in an alien simulation, means that we
are in a very precarious situation, and thus we need to make serious
decisions for us to break out of this endless recycling circle. This
idea that we have been in a simulation or holographic World has been
on my mind for a long time, but now that I have been able to connect
it to the alien agenda has made me decide to write this long
discussion so that we can Change the World and hopefully can safe
you have read this, did the test yourself, and understand the concept
of the situation that we currently are in, then you understand the
urgency of us spreading this find so that it reaches the people in
power. People need to know! Help me change the World by sharing this information. I
consider this information as Open Source Information and you are free to share it, but you need to link to this book and give me
credit when you use my information and/ or my discovery on How to prove the Simulation Theory?
Gerard Schiere MSc.
Samut Prakarn, 14 Januari 2023
of Content
Summary The Earth has been doomed already, unless... Extraterrestrial societies Judgment is upon us Have Aliens discovered us already? Separated assessment How to prove the Simulation Theory? Our actions are the Signals Do I expect to see aliens? Conclusion
War II ended by dropping an atomic-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
Japan. Before that we also had the first nuclear-bomb test on 16 July
1945. Nuclear explosions have a tremendous force and it releases an
unimaginable amount of energy. At that moment and probably still now,
we do not comprehend the consequences and impact that such an
explosion has. But it actually might have an influence on spacetime.
"Spacetime was bent before the explosion and is bent after,
but differently (ever so slightly)".
We Earthlings are on the quest to find extraterrestrial life-forms,
but you must understand that also aliens - most likely in a
collective form aka a galactic society - are scanning the universe
for signs of spacetime travel. But as we have harnessed the power of
uranium for making nuclear weapons and used it, we actually signaled
the aliens that we are armed and ready. And we signaled our position
in the fast galaxy with the first three nuclear explosions, creating
ripples in spacetime - which obviously are detectable for alien
fear alien influence, as we only see negative movies made in
Hollywood with aliens being the hostile ones. But lets be clear here,
us signaling with three nuclear explosions means in their eyes that
Earthlings are the hostile ones aka we are the bad aliens. At that
time we most likely didn't understand the consequences of our actions
and thus mankind is stuck in this reality aka this representation of
a World. I describe it this way as you can test for yourself in 10
minutes, that what you are seeing isn't reality. It is something like
a separated simulation aka the Simulation Theory, which will continue to reset itself until we do
the right thing. The probability is very high that we are
under assessment aka judgment from aliens, as we have unknowingly
made bad signals at the ending of World War II. And as strange as it
might sound, you and I actually might have been born in reality, but
the first light that we have seen is this repeated simulation.
do we solve this problem for humanity and change it into an opportunity for all? The most important thing is
that we need to learn from our mistakes. In this discussion the
biggest problem obviously is that we have used nuclear-weapons. There
might be a galactic law - of which we have no knowledge - that no
alien society can use nuclear weaponry, and thus we are feeling the
consequences of that law right now. In order to get out of this
simulation, we need to stop making and stop using nuclear weapons. We
need to stop testing them, we need to disarm all nuclear bombs and
all countries on the planet need to comply. This as the aliens see us
as One, and thus all parties involved in nuclear bomb making need to
stand down and Stop. This is the only signal that the aliens will
understand. Additionally we need to change on every field by
returning the kind in mankind. From my point of view this is a must, as we are talking about the interest of 8 billion people World wide, and thus we should take action by changing for the better.
The Earth has been doomed
already, unless...
might not realize it, but we are currently walking on the rim of what
humanity can handle. I would call it the maximization of crises which
currently is coming to a climax. We have had the bank crisis, health
crises, the gas crisis and most importantly we have had crises in the
form of War resulting in additional immigrant crises. But if you add
up all the running crises together then you feel that there is a
certain accumulation of crises at one point. And there is no sign
that it seems to get better. So the question is, what is going on?
is something wrong
maximization of crises is showing us that there is an endpoint in the
line of crises. Although I am always trying to think positive and
make the best of it, from logic and reasoning this line of crises
will end in an ultimate big boom. And we all know where this boom
will be coming from. It is the big pile of nuclear weaponry that is
waiting for decades already, for someone to press the ultimate
button. So what we are experiencing now through all the crises, is
showing us what lies in our near future. That means there is
something wrong and that means also that there is meaning in why we
are experiencing this now.
needs to understand that we can change for the better, but most of us
don't realize or simply do not care about that the Time given, is
running out! What we are doing wrong is something you can experience
everyday with big Worldly problems getting worse, with crises
accumulating. Think of the endless row of wars after World War II,
health and financial crises, gas crisis and so on. This seems to be
getting to a climax at which point we need to make drastic decisions.
we change, the World is doomed!
why is the Earth doomed?
would like to point out that it is not normal that the Earth as we
are experiencing it now, is undergoing so many crises at once. You
might find in normal, but I think it is abnormal. And as the crises
are growing in time, we can only expect the worst outcome. So we can
see a line in this story, and thus it must have meaning or it must be
a warning. We know already what the outcome will be, and thus we must
change ourselves for the better now. The question here is why do we
see this accumulating line in our history? You might find it strange
to hear, but there is good reason that it comes from things happening
in our past already. In this discussion I am taking you back to the
end of World War II, to the Roswell incident and how we actually are
in assessment from Aliens as we speak aka we are in judgment now. How
we react now will determine if we have a chance in getting out of
this simulation.
Extraterrestrial societies
aliens look like is difficult to answer. But it most definitely will
be difficult to see and understand how an alien society works. Maybe
it is comparable with our society with extraterrestrials having
similar bodies. But most likely their shape and size will differ from
that of ours and it might even frighten us to look at them. And we
might not even have the chance to get to understand them completely.
To solve this they might actually use bodies just like our own as a
host, so that we are not afraid of them. At forehand, we can try to
interpret what kind of societies these entities will come from and
what kind of intentions they might have.
start here with the group that most people do fear, as they are
depicted in Hollywood movies as such. Hostile aliens come here simply
to use our resources and then just go. I am not going into all the
possible happenings if it concerns hostile aliens, as we simply
wouldn't be prepared for it, we wouldn't have the resistance, and we
probably wouldn't be able to tell it within a few days. But as you
will read here, there might be the option that aliens are already in
our midst or are observing us or not here yet. From this point of
view I will consider the aliens non-hostile but are observing aka
assessing us in order to consider us for joining the galactic
is necessary
the development of aliens and the capacity of space travel, they must
have advanced capabilities and understanding of complex theories.
This most definitely suggests they have intelligence, but their
intelligence might be far more advanced compared to our mental
capacities. But intelligence has some basic universal languages such
as mathematics and can form a basis for communication. If species
have developed themselves using intelligence, then they must have
good understanding of reasoning and logic, next to which they would
know that one must control one's emotions as well. Intelligence,
logic and emotional control are things that go hand in hand. But for
instance with a hostile alien they might not have the necessary
emotional control and thus use a dangerous emotional based logic.
might appear emotionless
are comprised of many emotions and thus make many decisions based on
their emotions. Many times emotion based decisions are the wrong
decisions as they are made out of for instance fear, love or anger.
But good logic and reasoning in many cases can only be reached while
one isn't lead by one's emotions. This is a feature that not many
humans have as we humans are most definitely lead by our emotions.
Training in equanimity would prove to be a very good asset in order
to make decisions without being disturbed by emotions.
Extraterrestrial life-form most definitely would prefer good logic
and reasoning above emotional decisions. And this would be a good
reason for aliens not to have emotions or appear to be emotionless.
They might have them, but their experience, education, life,
professional progress and development has moved them into a state of
consciousness without depending on emotions. This would also mean
that if we get into contact with them, we should use good logic and
reasoning for communication without being lead by emotions. An
emotional decision actually might be considered to be illogical for
the alien and thus they wouldn't understand us. For them humans might
be considered "dyslectic" due to our emotions.
good beans group
would like to point out that there obviously must be hostile aliens,
but their numbers probably aren't as much as the friendly aliens.
And there is a good reason for it. Just like us, they at one point in
their history must have been on the crossroads where they discussed
the option of encountering hostile aliens. They would fear that and
thus the natural way for extraterrestrial beings to find contact is
by searching for it in stealth (secretly without disturbing other
aliens) until they know for sure that this species is benign and
safe. I would call this an Assessment of the new species. From that
point on they would try to make first contact with this new alien
World in any way possible. When contact has been made, then the two
parties as benign aliens would work together in improving themselves
and the New World as well. But if the assessment would turn out to be
negative, then first contact wouldn't be made at all as the New World
would be considered dangerous, toxic or in any other means
inappropriate for them. This shows that the assessment is like
separating the good beans from the bad beans and only using the good
beans. And this also shows that the good beans are forming a group,
but the bad beans remain separate. It means that the good beans group
has much more potential and possibly much more strength in many ways
instead of the bad beans. And we as humans need to make sure that we
are considered part of the good beans group.
is the galactic society?
galaxy is immense and has billions of stars with potentially many
life-forms in it. Eventually in their evolution they would have
reached for the stars as well (far before we ever started to gaze at
the stars) and thus have discovered many alien societies in time. As
stated the good beans of aliens would be forming a large group as bad
aliens would be excluded from it (as logic would dictate). This good
beans group must consist of many, hundreds or even more societies
that work together in exploring the Universe. From my point of view
these societies will have agreements on sharing technology, research,
resources and information in order to grow. And this must be
considered as a galactic society, which actually might be governed by
a central institution or foundation with logic based decision making.
by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Judgment is upon us
our society gets into contact with aliens, then there will be some
kind of judgment or assessment of our state of being. This assessment
is important for further steps into the future with (or without)
them. As I stated before, such an assessment would be in stealth for
sure as they need to make sure that our species is benign or hostile.
They do this in stealth in order to protect themselves and to prevent
the assessed species to get their hands on their technology and/ or
knowing that they are there. If a hostile species would get their
hands on that kind of advanced machinery then that would have
far-fetching consequences. How would such an assessment go?
are the criteria that we will be judged upon?
that we are being judged as we speak. If an alien society is watching
us now, and is judging us also, then what are the criteria that we
are being judged upon? This is an important question as we actually
do not know how these extraterrestrial beings or entities think. But
the answer is easier than you might imagine. We are being judged
based on how we treat others. How we treat others is the first and
most important sign for others to see and understand how we work as a
society. And how we treat others is the signal for them to understand
that we will treat them the same way or worse as we would treat our
own species as such. That's the signal that they are looking for and
that's the signal that we should improve.
these aliens see our society in harmony, being kind, nice and having
peace with everyone living in equity, then that would mean that we
will treat them in the same way. This kind of society for sure would
be considered exemplary and thus would be a benign asset within their
galactic society. But if our society would show severe inequity,
wars, deceptions, suppression then these entities would consider our
society as risky, unsafe or even toxic and thus wouldn't want to have
anything to do with us. They actually would expect us to put them
through the same process as we do with our own citizens.
if our judgment is positive?
we are judged positively, that would mean that we have sorted out our
society nicely and how we treat others is considered good and nice.
Aliens would then try to connect with us in a friendly way. This
might be physically by showing themselves, but their appearance might
frighten us and thus the connection at first might be in a
non-physical way. First contact actually might be for us getting the
idea that we can develop some kind of technology which will get us to
the next level of exploration. This can be done through telepathy as
obviously aliens have better control over their thoughts and
imagination. But something like this or seeing them will only occur
if we have matched their criteria.
if we are not there yet?
extraterrestrial society has judged us but we haven't shown enough
progress or are too stubborn with our next improvements. This only
would mean that we have the potential to reach for the stars, but we
do not make the necessary steps to get there. It is the natural state
of mankind to not do anything or not to improve, if they think they
are doing well already. Many people think that providing for oneself
and having good health is good enough, but if one lives in riches and
doesn't care or think about those who have nothing, then that would
be a wrong signal. This might be on a small scale just for one family
and for a homeless person living on the streets nearby, but on a big
scale it might mean ignorance or suppression of a group. The family
or one group might be doing well, but there is a part of society that
is forgotten. These kinds of signals can be found anywhere all around
the World from small to large scale problems. There is very much room
for improvement here and thus we should act on it. If one knows where
the problems are, then one should act on them as well, so that the
situation can improve. Improving the World can start with small steps
of kindness and thus we should be prepared to do so.
if we are judged negative?
is a good chance that we get a negative assessment. Just open the
newspapers, look at the internet or television and you see examples
on how bad we do things around here. So what are the consequences of
a negative judgment? I would say there are some options:
no destruction: as we are in assessment then the aliens are open for
discussion and thus are from a positive society. They have given us
time and chance to show that we can do better, but sadly we haven't.
It simply will mean that we don't get the chance of joining the
galactic society. If it would be hostile aliens on the other hand,
then there would be instant destruction and there wouldn't be any
judgment as well;
nothing happens. Earth can live life normally, but as we don't show
improvements and repeat our own mistakes continually then we probably
are doomed anyhow. Earth most likely will shut down in some way, or
due to wars mankind will destroy itself;
we have to wait for another assessment. This means that we have
spoiled the current opportunity. There might be new opportunities
ahead, but we need to wait for them or we change before;
we have to change. If we are judged negative, then that means that we
do something wrong. If we change for the better than we can get rid
of the negative assessment. As we actually do not know if, when and
how this assessment takes place, then we should make the effort
anyhow. If not only for ourselves and for our planet.
there instant judgment?
would speculate that it depends on the type of alien species, if we
get time to be judged or that it is instantly. But if it would be
instant judgment, and they are already here, then we wouldn't be
talking right now. And so if they are already here, then they are
giving us time. This also goes for benign aliens or hostile aliens.
If hostile aliens would come here, then we wouldn't have time to
prepare anything. But if they would be benign aliens then they would
give us time, chance and opportunity to proof ourselves. As discussed
before, the chance of getting into contact with benign aliens is far
greater, then getting into contact with hostile aliens and thus the
chance of getting time, chance and opportunity is great (even if they
are here already, or even if they aren't here yet).
do we currently stand?
we would be judged at this moment, then it would be a very bad one.
People are starving in warm and hot desert like countries, millions
of people are roofless and hungry, certain groups are discriminated
or not being treated similar, the rich are getting richer and the
poor getting poorer, and from WWII the World has seen an endless
followup of Wars resulting in destruction and de-location of people
everywhere with it potentially resulting in a nuclear everything
destroying D-day. Almost everything that humans seem to be doing is
wrong, with all the crises accumulating into the worst situation
ever. The World would get a negative school-report on maybe every
subject thinkable. If we would be judged now, then we would make a
very bad impression, and thus we would be considered as bad beans. We
actually should stop everything on this planet, and start again
building a new improved society. The decision is ours for sure, we
must put the word kind back into mankind. And that seems to be
lacking everywhere.
are the aliens now?
doesn't matter where the aliens are now. They might be within our
population already, they might be observing us from a point where we
don't see them, or they might simply not have encountered Earth yet.
From the alien point of perspective, it is necessary that we need to
show our good side always. This as we are judged based on how we
treat our own species. So if they are already here within our
population or observing us then they know already what we are doing
Wrong. And lets be clear, we are doing wrong as we speak. And we
almost hit rock-bottom. So in that case we have the opportunity Now
to show them that we can change. And this is the key to our success
within the galactic society. They probably see us for what we are
now, that we will only repeat our mistakes continuously without
learning from it. But if we show them otherwise, then they might be
curious about our species and the resilience that we have. From the
perspective that we are judged as we speak, we should act and Change
now. If on the other hand we are in the third situation, which is
that they haven't encountered Earth yet, then we still have time. In
that situation there are three options. We will gain technology for
us traveling into the galaxy using wormholes or other means reaching
them first, we won't get to the point that we gain this technology,
and they don't reach us or aliens will reach us first in the near
future. As we must expect to meet them at some time, then we must be
prepared for it.
does first impression count?
an alien encounter would occur now, then they directly would see and
know what our society is about. They have advanced technologies and
mental capabilities with which they instantly can scan what we are
about. This also goes for the situation when we are traveling into
space already and encounter them. They scan our machines and our
minds, and thus know within seconds what we do on Earth and how we
respect each other. So by simply encountering them, they will know
for sure. If in that case we still have "severe inequity,
wars, deceptions, suppression"
on Earth, then they will know even if we are light-years away from
our planet. It is our leaky mind that will give it away and thus the
first impression is a bad one. But if we have an improved Earth with
equity for everyone, no wars, no starvation, no suppression and
chances for everyone then our leaky mind will give that information
away and that obviously is a good impression. From this point of
view, we must change before we actually start to reach for the stars
and try to find extraterrestrial life. So if we do have first
contact, we can make sure that it is a good first impression.
the following Chapters you can read that we most likely have made a
very bad first impression already, and that the situation can be
worse than we might expect.
Have Aliens discovered us
of us think that aliens still haven't discovered us and that we still
have a lot of time to prepare.
might be the case, but there is also a lot of evidence otherwise. I
am not going into all the sightings and reports that have been made
public over the years, but I am going to focus on Roswell as it is
the first incident. What happened there might be a direct consequence
of the nuclear-bombs detonated during World War II. How is it
possible that aliens might have detected our position within the
fastness of the Galaxy and what are the consequences of this fact
was Roswell interesting?
had the Roswell Army International Airfield during World War II and
Walker Air Force Base during the Cold War. When it closed, the 4,600
acre base was the largest of the United States Air Force Strategic
Air Command" (lit.8).
As it was a big Airfield, it might have been an area of interest for
the aliens as to estimate the strength of the defenses up-close.
happened in Roswell?
the most famous UFO reporting is that of Roswell in New Mexico in the
year 1947 on 3rd of July. Strange metal rods were found after some
kind of crash, after which the military swiftly cleaned up the site
and stated that a downed hot air balloon crashed there. In the
Roswell Daily Record it was stated as a headline that "RAAF
Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region". This is the
first record of a UFO-like sighting and suggests many things. It has
been the initial source of many speculations and the starting point
of alien conspiracy theories.
for the sake of argument, what if there was a real cover-up and the
initial report of the flying saucer is true, then why has this
happened and why has this happened just two years after the ending of
World War II.
of the atomic-bomb
in 1939 plans were drafted for the creation of a mass destruction
weapon by the "Italian emigre physicist Enrico Fermi with
U.S. Navy department officials at Columbia University".
Albert Einstein supported the idea "that an uncontrolled
nuclear chain reaction had great potential as a basis for a weapon of
mass destruction" (lit.2). In 1940 the US Federal Government
granted the support and development of this weapon under the name
Manhattan Project, and the necessity of this development became
urgent from 1942 as America was drawn into World War II. This as the
Government feared that also Germany was developing their atomic bomb
at the same time. From 1943 the Manhattan Project was lead by Robert
J. Oppenheimer. In this period until 1945 theory and practice came
together resulting in the first nuclear explosion on 16th July 1945.
This was a uranium based nuclear explosion. Initially the atomic bomb
was developed to be used on Berlin in order to force the surrender of
Germany. But the War ended beforehand. Japan on the other hand
refused to surrender, and thus it was decided to use the bomb on
Hiroshima on 6th August 1945 and on Nagasaki on 9th August 1945
(lit.3). After these two bombs Japan surrendered as well and World
War II had officially finished.
by Alexander Antropov from Pixabay
are the consequences of an atomic bomb?
knows that the usage of an atomic bomb has far-fetching consequences.
The majority of humans fear this weapon as it can end life on Earth
as we speak with only a push of a button. If one side of an armed
conflict uses this weapon than also the other side most likely will
use it as well. And that situation will start an unstoppable
chain-reaction resulting in the end of the World as we know it. These
are the normally understood consequences of the usage of an
atomic-bomb. But there are additional consequences which we actually
might not even comprehend to understand. Just 1 kg of uranium-235 has
the equivalent energy of 17,000 tons aka 17 kilotons of TNT (lit.4).
In comparison, the largest nuclear bomb created ever called the Tsar
Bomba RDS-220 hydrogen bomb has the equivalent energy of 50 Mt aka 50
million-tons of TNT (lit.5). Atomic-bombs create an unimaginable
amount of energy, which can result in consequences we might not
oversee or understand. And for sure we didn't think of the
consequences when we used it on Japan. One of these consequences is
that it might create rips or wrinkles in the fabric of space and
time. "A nuclear explosion converts one sort of mass/energy
into various other sorts of mass/energy, some of which will leave the
vicinity of the explosion. The explosion is a redistribution of the
stuff that causes the spacetime metric to bend. Spacetime was bent
before the explosion and is bent after, but differently (ever so
slightly)" (lit.6). We do
not know how such an explosion interacts with spacetime, but as the
explosion is so severe then we can stipulate that it must have some
kind of interaction with it. And thus the statement of M.Hoath MSc.
should be considered of influence when these kinds of explosions
occur. So nuclear explosions have influence on spacetime (even a
little bit) and that can be measured or can be detected by aliens.
we gave our position away?
an alien society is searching for other unknown species, then they
most definitely would be scanning the universe for signs of spacetime
travel. This can be in the form of wormholes, actually bending time
or space, or other means of traveling between the stars. It would be
considered as an indication of strong development of intelligence and
technological advancement, and thus it would get their interest for
sure. But mankind doesn't have that kind of technology. Earthlings
have harnessed its power by creating a weapon instead. The uranium
bomb exploded three times directly after each other, creating a
ripple in the fabric of spacetime aka bending it. Only a one time
explosion might be considered from a non-intelligent source aka a
natural phenomenon, but three times in a row would be considered from
intelligent source for sure. And thus it must have been investigated.
As mankind used the atomic bomb three times we actually gave away our
position within the fastness of the galaxy. And the signal that we
gave was a bad one, as it was a mass destruction weapon. From this
point of view we must conclude that the chance is very high that
aliens from July till August 1945 have detected our presence. But
they came here in stealth as we signaled that we are armed and ready,
and thus we were categorized as hostile aliens.
are here!
aliens have detected our position in 1945 already, then we must
stipulate also that 1947 was a cover-up and thus we must conclude
that they are here. Now the following question would be, in what
quantity are they here? As it was a first signal from us, then they
most likely would send one of their ships to investigate in order to
see what is going on here. This would suggest that initially only a
small force got here. As our signal was from a mass destruction
weapon, they would consider us as a threat or dangerous until proven
otherwise. It is for this reason that we are in assessment by aliens
who are in stealth here.
what happened in Roswell for sure? If the aliens are here in stealth
observing us, then can we stipulate what has happened 1947?:
did the aliens encounter a technical problem? This would be less
obvious as they have advanced technologies and thus it is less
plausible that there was a technical problem;
did the US army detect an anomaly and thus reacted on it? I do not
think that the army already had advanced measuring instruments to see
and detect unseeable objects. But they do use "Radar signal
anomaly detectionwhich is an effective method to detect
potential threat targets"
(lit.7). This method doesn't directly detect an object, but actually
searches for things that are not normal on simple radar scans. If for
instance a stealth ship would be hovering somewhere, then at that
position birds, insects or dust (lit.8) wouldn't fly and thus it
would look like a void. This would be a strong indicator of something
being present at that place, without us being able to see it. For
this argument I don't know how accurate the analysis from radar
signals in 1947 was, but a similar method might already have been
developed during WWII. If the army would detect such a void
continuously on a radar scan, then maybe they investigated and
probably took it down by trial-and-error. This method might also be
the case if they were hiding in the weather, but rain, moist or
thunder cannot pass an object in hiding and thus it can be seen as a
Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay
"It is alleged that a "flying disk" crashed
during a severe thunderstorm near RIAC at Corona, New Mexico"
(lit.1). This would mean that actually the weather took down the
machine. But even this could be a cover-up as the severe thunderstorm
might be the result of some kind of weaponry;
a far-fetched theory might be that the object actually was hiding
here from other aliens trying to get them. The severe thunderstorm
could be considered as fighting with phaser-like weapons. In this
case we might have helped the fugitive alien. This should be
considered a very dangerous version as we got our hands on alien
technology, but still with the other alien threat hovering near us
and observing us.
ever the reason for the failure at Roswell, they must have been
discovered unwillingly.
why the clumsy cover-up?
the Army would had recognized such a void and acted on it, then why
didn't they control the situation properly without any news leakage.
For this there are some options:
they didn't know that it was an object, and they simply tried. Maybe
they shot on the void, or they used an EMP weapon. A side effect of a
nuclear explosion is also EMP with electric circuits falling out. The
military might have had such an initial weapon during the post WWII
days and might have used it on the void to see what happened;
the weather took down the object (it seems strange to me that highly
advanced technology cannot stand our weather conditions);
alien technology took down the alien ship.
the moment the object was hit, it went down but it didn't go down in
the expected area. Or the military actually didn't know that
something was crashing down. When arriving on site the military saw
the object and made sure that it was kept a secret. But as others
also saw this object or heard the crash, then they needed a quick
already have stipulated that we accidentally made contact with
aliens, and they already have been here and might still be here as
well. In that case the chance is high, that we are currently under
the so-called assessment. But the first sign we have shown them is of
hostile nature and accidentally or on purpose an alien ship came down
in Roswell as well, then what are the consequences of us being
considered hostile? As stated the answer would be that new alien
ships would have come here and would have come here in full force.
But as we are still here, then they still would have come in a
restricted peace setting. Their logic might be that our species
didn't understand the consequences of our actions and everything has
happened in a bad to worse order. But from their point of view this
most certainly also would have been an act of War, and thus we must
be happy that we can still tell about it. As we are still here
actually is proof that they are benign. So if this is the case then
in what kind of situation are we in now?
following absolutely is speculation, but there might be some truth in
it. If the aliens have considered us hostile and destructive, then we
instantly would have gotten a negative mark aka we would have been
flagged. As we have been detected within the galaxy in 1945 already
and the additional alien accident happened in 1947, then we must
conclude as well that we have been in assessment and probably in
suspension from that point on. So from around 1948-1950 our planet
has been in alien assessment and/ or we have been separated aka
imprisoned in a barless prison. And this assessment is still going on
till today, as a society such as mankind cannot change overnight.
Additionally we might not even comprehend in what kind of predicament
we currently are, as we might be on the brink of our own destruction,
on the brink of them completely leaving us alone. The last option is
that they wait up to the brink where Earthlings do make the necessary
change. Which way we go, depends completely on us!
does such a suspension look like?
we have been flagged within the galaxy, then it can have some
far-fetching consequences. The most obvious would be that we are
banned from contact as we have shown our hostile intent. That would
simply mean that alien societies that are within the galactic society
will avoid our spacial territory. How vast this spacial territory is,
I have no idea but it most likely reaches up to the border of our
solar system, the border of interstellar space or the Oort-belt. The
outer-edge of this belt lies around 10.000 to 100.000 AU from the Sun
(lit.10). 1 AU is 1 Astronomical Unit aka 149,6 million km. For us
this is an unimaginable distance but for alien species with spacetime
travel technologies it is peanuts. As we don't have these kinds of
technologies, and they will not give it to us, then we simply are
confined to our space, unless we change or unless we develop this
technology ourselves. Although we are trying to get the grasp of
these technologies, it probably will take centuries before we even
can make the first spacetime jump with an actual spaceship. And thus
the most logical thing to do, is to Change mankind by Changing our
thinking and by Changing our actions.
there the option of complete separation from real space?
more direct and more intrusive method of separation is that we all
have been put under a stasis of some kind and are sharing a
simulation (see the chapter on how to prove the Simulation Theory).
This actually would mean that we would have been put into a
Matrix-kind of structure and state, where we actually are working and
experiencing life within a holographic or simulated World. This
obviously has enormous consequences and needs to be considered as a
serious infringement of our Rights as Humans. If this is the case
then we only have to blame ourselves, as we acted unintentionally
hostile. From this point of view the only option for success as
mankind is to change, be kind and humble so that we get their
attention and get released from that kind of separation (if even
there aliens trying to help us?
most aliens have a logical point of view, then there must be some or
a few aliens as well that understand that things have happened due to
misunderstanding, miscommunication and not knowing what the
consequences were of detonating nuclear-bombs. In their eyes it would
mean that we have acted clumsy in many ways. And thus there is a
chance that aliens actually are trying to help us. So yes we have
been in suspension for decades (or longer as a simulation can be
reset over and over again) already, but with the help of aliens and
importantly by Changing ourselves, we can help ourselves. Regarding
this it doesn't matter if there are aliens who are trying to help us
or not. We mustsignal
that we are not hostile, and the best way to do that is
by doing it ourselves, through Change.
there aliens in our midst that deceive us?
have concluded that there is a good bean group of aliens that try to
do good by being good, and most likely this group has put us in
suspension due to our hostile intent. But there is also a small group
of bad beans that might also already have spacetime technology and
thus there might be aliens among us that don't have good intentions
with us. They would want us to join their team. We must consider this
group as a problem as we do not know what their plans are and most
likely we are being mislead by their bad intent. In this case it is
tricky to know, which alien to trust and which not to trust. If we
want a quick fix then we follow the bad beans, and we might pay a
high price for it But if we develop ourselves by Changing our
thought, talk and most importantly our actions, then we can get the
attention from the good beans group. In my view this for sure must be
the focus of our attention and this method might take decades as
humanity needs to change from the inside out and from top too down.
people have this strange feeling about this World. It doesn't seem to
be right in some way, but they cannot put their finger on it. It is
like what I have been feeling from when I was a child up to now. The
feeling that I was out of place or didn't belong in it. At first I
thought this was due to me being different from others, or that the
group didn't accept me. But with getting older one gets smarter and
thus have more insight in this World.
mentioned already that there might be the possibility of this World
being a simulation, then we for sure can find evidence of it. This
isn't about if we are on a flat, round, hollow or squared earth, but
it is about if what we see isn't actually created directly in front
of our eyes. So is there any way that we can find proof just looking
around us?
An important way to think about this World, is according to the Simulation Theory. This theory suggests that this World isn't what it seems, but actually is created by some kind of computer as a program or it is like a hologram. And many people do feel that there is something going on as the World feels weird, as I have experienced from childhood. So the main question here will be, how do we prove that this World actually is a simulation?
it Yourself to prove the Simulation Theory
University I learned that measuring is knowing, so that is what I am
going to do here. As we want to see if it is real, then the
measurement is in the form of taking a photo and that is something
anyone of us can do. I simply made three photos with in the
background a black object with a white object in front of it. In my
case a black mouse-pad and a white paper in front of it. I used my
A 10.5 tablet for making the photos:
First a general photo of the setting;
Second photo of a finger in front of it without zoom;
Third and fourth photo of a finger with zoom.
need to point out that from these photo's I think that the first two
look normal, but the thirds looks weird. I have investigated the
three photo's on strange things in it. And the following occurred
strange to me.
paper-rim on the first photo shows a strange black line around the
paper, and within the black line over the white paper is a whiter
stripe visible. Both the black and the whiter stripe shouldn't be
there. At the point where the black line crosses the white
background, the black stripe becomes more clear.
power-cord on the first photo shows clear white lines (whiter than
the white paper behind it) around the black power-cord. There is
absolutely no explanation on why there should be an additional white
line around the black object, unless it is to give it more accent.
finger on the second photo shows a not so clear small black line and
a bit lighter stripe around it. This is very hard to see on this
photo. That is why I have added the third zoom photo in order to show
some additional information more clearly.
finger is zoomed in on the third and fourth photo. I already stated that it
looks strange on the photo. But I want you to focus on the black and
white stripes surrounding the finger. On the left and right at A you
see clearly a black line on the inside and a whiter then the
surrounding white stripe around it. If you follow the black line from
A as it goes over from the white background to the black background,
then you see that the position of the black and white stripe changes.
The white stripe appears close to the skin and the blacker stripe
appears at the area of the black background. Simpler said the black
line in the white background, changes into a white line with the
black background. I have found out that this effect you simply see
the best using a black and white background, but you hardly can see
it if you use colored backgrounds.
If you want to see this yourself, you need to use appropriate zoom when taking the photo, and should zoom in on that photo to see it clearly. This as it is only a fraction of a millimeter wide. It
took me no more then 10 minutes to make the appropriate photo's to
prove that there is something going on. It clearly shows that there
are black and white lines surrounding objects and body, which can
change position as well depending on the background color. Let me
make this one clear:
is impossible if the body or objects are solid, unless if what we see isn't real!
Objects and our body don't have such lines around it as we are solid, unless what we see isn't real.
Additionally I have made the following photo as well of my finger. In this case you can see the black rim of my computer laptop and then the brightness of the screen. What do we see here. At the upper arrow you see the blacker black line appear with the black black ground. But strangely with the white background the shape of the finger seems to reduce itself. This is a clear example of how the light of brighter objects behind shines though the upper layer of the projected finger. If you look closely then you might still distinguish a fine small stripe where the shape of the finger should be at. By the way this photo has been taken without enlargement, and thus you can actually see this in real life happening.
PS: if your phone can zoom-in 4-times then you need to enlarge the photo afterwards, but if you have a phone with 8-times enlargement then you can see it directly.
PS: If you want to see this without the usage of a camera, then put on two +2 glasses. With the correct background you can distinguish the same effect as shown in the photo's (keep your focus on the finger with the black and white back-ground out of focus, and it might take some time before you notice the black and white lines appear).
big is this simulation?
don't know. If our real body is surrounded by a cocoon or something
like that, then what we see might actually be just a projection
around our body or it is just a projection around our eyes. So what
we see actually is fake. But we experience being with other people
around us, and that suggest we are connected with each other on a
general playing field. We can meet in the projection that we see, but
we actually are far apart. Another method is that our mind is
connected to a computer which mentally projects this World into our
brain. I would say that the projection method is the more efficient
one, as I would stipulate it to be less technical challenging. As I
can show you the changes of color, then I suspect that it is a
projection in front of our eyes.
we find these lines elsewhere in history?
I can find these stripes and changes of color so easily, then where
can we find it also in history. For that we need to look at footage
from specific periods in time. So let's have a quick look at that and
see if we can recognize the black stripes.
is President Reagan on 27 October 1964 in a "Time for Choosing"
speech. If you look closely there is a black stripe surrounding the
ear of the President, which looks much darker than the black
background. There is no explanation for why this line should be
H.W. Bush slams Ferraro over foreign policy during 1984 debate. This
one is less clear. But in the blue background you see a black stripe
running over the shoulder of the President, but this stripe
disappears in the red area. This also is impossible if we are looking
at something solid. But there are changes in color based on
background colors which shouldn't be there.
20, 1989: Pres. George H.W. Bush's Inaugural Address. Here you see a
typical discoloration over the shoulder and upper-arm and also around
the left side of the face. With the dark red area the stripe seems
black, with the light red area it seems less black or looks like a
thin line with the same color inside and then to the upper-arm side a
dark black stripe. This shouldn't be there, but clearly is depended
on the color changes in the background.
am not specifically saying that the president's are holographic, I am
saying that what you and I see isn't reality (but the persons in the
picture experience it as reality). It is a projection!
long has this been running?
is also hard to say. If our time line is direct from the interference
from aliens till now, then we should see evidence like that as
presented in movies from the 1950's. But before that period there
shouldn't be any strange stripes. For this it is difficult to find
evidence as movie quality wasn't good (less pixelation and movies
that originally were black-and-white have been colored and thus
retouched which are not usable). But I have found these stripes in
video's up to 1946, but also in 1940. What does this mean?
"What Middle Class High School Kids Were Like In The 1950s"
shows the same black line from light dark at the top with a light
background to darker black at the darker bottom.
The Jubalaires - Noah 1946 you clearly see the black stripe around
the second person. Also the jacket at the arm of the first person
shows a black stripe over the suit of the second person.
Review Of The Year 1940 (1940). Here you see a gentleman with a black stripe over his forehead and especially over his nose down to the chin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgIRcNjtmqQ (1:44 min)
last picture is very essential in our discussion here because it is
from a pre-alien period (aka pre-nuclear explosion, pre-Roswell). As we have stipulated that we are under
alien assessment as we have made the worst signaling ever, then we
have been separated as a threat from the rest of the galaxy. This
obviously as we didn't understand the consequences of our actions.
But as we now also have a photo with the stripes before that time,
then this would suggest that even then we already were in a
simulation. This can mean 3 things:
the aliens have made sure that we see a repeat of history as it
happened. And thus we see also the same result before and after the
arrival of aliens. But maybe as we might not have learned anything
from previous cycles, then we are on a destructive course and thus
will destroy ourselves again and again until we do the right thing.
This would mean that we actually see a continual repeating cycle of
this is not the first cycle;
the cycle comes to an end very soon and thus we need to start all
over again.
alternative explanation is that we are a simulation. But I think this
is incorrect, as we can feel our real body (having pain in unexpected
moments, feeling other things, smelling other things, without any
reason what so ever). And thus I consider us having a real body but what we are seeing is a
simulation, as the truth.
we are in a continual repeat of history, then we do not know what
year it really is. In Western countries we think at this point in
time that it is 2023 but in for instance a country like Thailand we
are already in the year 2566. How many centuries does it take for
mankind to learn from its unfortunate mistake and start to do the
right thing?
There might actually be a galactic law, that prevents every alien
society from using nuclear weapons, and that we are undergoing the
consequences of that law as we speak
PS2: If the simulation is in a cycle aka repeating itself, then that would be a very good explanation for why so many people experience the deja-vu feeling, the feeling that something has happened already and why people have specific dreams, as dreams within this context might be a warning of things to happen or actually are a memory of a past cycle. In that case our brain tries to catch up with things happening.
Our actions are the Signals
humanity we need to start to focus on what is important.
For-mentioned chapters have been a stipulation on why the chance is
high that we have accidentally caught alien attention in a bad way,
and that we are under suspension and assessment within a simulation.
But for the sake of argument what if aliens haven't seen our hostile
signal and haven't come here yet, then what do we need to do? Even if
they aren't here yet, then we must expect that they will find us in
the near future. And thus we must choose to change for the better.
How we treat our own species is how they expect to be treated by us
and thus it must be a good signal. The best signal of all is how we
act on Earth and how we can live in peace without destroying this
place. And only this principle can result in the Signal needed to get
the attention of the alien galactic society.
that we are humble
are many things that we as humans need to change. On our planet there
is much suffering from homeless people, the poor, desolated people
and the sick as the system doesn't support their method of thinking
or it doesn't comply with the needed profits. Everybody has right on
a roof above one's head, a full stomach with good healthcare. These
are the basics and it is something that we aren't offering. It needs
to change. A big problem is also how much profit big companies take,
while normal workers get a hunger-salary. This is so wrong! But we
also have no respect for one and another. We are all people, and
should act in such a way. No one is lesser than the other, as we all
have a heart inside. Share love, give a helping hand where you can
and always act in kindness as you do not know what someone else is
going through.
is the biggest Signal
biggest Signal that we might be able to give to the galactic society,
is that we disarm all our global nuclear-bombs. What the consequences
of nuclear bombs are we do not know, but aliens would be careful as
it might influence their method of space travel. Some people might
suggest that this power we have is a big bargaining chip that we
should hold on to. But till the moment that we don't let that chip
go, the alien society will consider us as dangerous cowboys for sure.
From the moment that we let go of our chip, the alien society will
become lenient and let us go from our current state of despair. Don't
be stubborn and change by disarming!
the testing of nuclear-bombs
to this it is imminent to stop the testing of nuclear-bombs.
Every-time that we still test it - maybe done from a scientifically
point of view - has the same rippling effect on spacetime. The US
held its last Nevada Test during Shot Divider of Operation Julin on
23 September 1992 whilst the last Soviet test took place on October
24, 1990. But other countries have begun testing nuclear-bombs as
well, such as in India 11 May 1998, in Pakistan on 30 May 1998 and in
North Korea on 03 September 2017 (lit.9). This continuous testing of
nuclear-bombs is the repeated signal to aliens that we are armed and
ready. If you stop the testing then you stop the signaling as well.
PS: it doesn't matter which country is testing nuclear-bombs as from
an alien point of view it is Earthlings that are testing and thus
Earthlings are saying we are cowboys. Stop it now, and help change
our Earth.
this I need to point out that if we disarm now, then we do this
within the simulation. In reality our Earth most likely already has
been disarmed by the aliens. But we need to prove ourselves that we
can do it, and thus we need to show this within the simulation. Only
our actions can free us from this simulation.
Do I expect to see aliens?
are billions and billions of stars within our own galaxy and there
are even more galaxies outside our galaxy as well. It can only mean
that there is life outside our planet for sure and there is also a
very good chance that we are not the only species that actually is
looking for the stars and searching for extraterrestrial life-form.
And we can stipulate that there are many alien species that have
grouped as a good group to withstand the most likely smaller group of
bad aliens.
as it looks like that we have made some terrible signals at the End
of World War II, we have become the focus point of aliens, and we
have been flagged as potential bad aliens. This as nuclear-bombs
might have far-fetching consequences which we might not understand or
oversee. From the point of view of aliens we have crossed the line
and that was a declaration of War. But as they most likely are aliens
with understanding through reasoning, then they have given us a
chance to prove ourselves. That is why we are experiencing a
simulation in order to learn from our mistakes. But we continuously
make the same mistake and thus it ends the World again and again. And
thus there must be a change on Earth in order for us to break through
the endless recycling circle of mankind. If we do not do this now,
then we have no chance in getting to a better future. So we must
change, and we must change Now as we are out of Time.
have talked about the good bean alien society, and I am sure they are
out there. But we need to prove first that we have changed, before
they will reach out for us. If not, then we are doomed again! In the
end I think we will meet aliens, and that can be quicker then we
might think. Even they might think that after centuries of thought,
humanity must have their moment of enlightenment. And that moment
might be now, with everyone knowing that aliens are here right now
and waiting for us to do the right thing. So I hope that this
discussion has been an eye-opener for you and everyone on Earth. We
must act together and change so that we can get into the good beans
galactic society.
Harmonious coexistence
In this argument I need to add that we have been put in this simulation by aliens, because they considered us hostile. But as aliens most likely think as One, then they saw us as One as well. So they put all of us in here and they didn't think we could change. This I would consider tunnel-vision and thus in my opinion mankind has been judged too quickly and we are living in the consequences of that decision now. But as individual humans can change for sure, then aliens must understand now that there are many alternatives for mankind, which might not have been considered to be so at that first moment of judgment. And as they have seen that we do change, then they might actually be sorry for putting us in here in the first place. So from this point I do think we are under assessment now, to know if we can be prepared for a better future where aliens and humans can coexist next to each-other in harmony. And I for sure think that this is the path that extraterrestrials and mankind must take together. Before that time comes, humans need to prove that we can live in unity and equality together as one species.
The alien delusion
We are stuck in this holographic system and we have been put in here to learn from our mistakes. But clearly the system is trying to convince people that we are currently under threat from UFO's and drones. This needs to be considered the introduction of the fake alien religion, as everything that is shown in this hologram obviously is fake. The problem here is that everything around us seems to be too real and thus everyone believes it to be so. Additionally evidence has been planted in this system for us to find, so that we actually conclude wrongly that destruction has already happened while it actually hasn't yet. So mankind is actually directed in a wrong direction, which then must be considered for their profit (think of the meltology theory suggesting a world-wide event like atomic war already has happened, while it hasn't. We only believe it to be so, and there lies the delusion of this system. So the question is are the controlling aliens actually the bad ones?). Then what would be the interest of this alien delusion? As we live in a fake reality, then the only real property that we have individually is our soul. If we start to believe their fake story, then in the end we will give them our consent which we for sure mustn't do at any cost. And for sure we shouldn't go with them in their holographic UFO's and shouldn't go with them in vivid dreams, because it will result in our soul being separated from our real body. So stay put and wait until the very end!
live in a simulation (you can find evidence yourself by taking a simple photo, and prove the Simulation Theory) that
shows us a part of history that has been changed or shows us a
reality from which we must learn. We experience an accumulation of
crises and this line of accumulation can only end in the final big
boom. All the logic within the program is pointing to that
end-solution and thus the usage of nuclear weaponry.
we are in a simulation is all our own fault. We have signaled with
three nuclear explosions at the End of World War II that we are here
and armed to the teeth. As we don't understand what the consequences
of nuclear explosions can be, there might be the possibility that it
has influence on how spacetime bends. Any change in that is
detectable by alien technology, but sadly our signal is
unintentionally interpreted as an act of War aka we are the bad
aliens here. And thus we need to learn from our mistakes.
as Earthlings need to change, and we need to change completely. We
need to put the kind back into mankind, be nice to our citizens and kind to aliens. But most importantly we need
to signal so that the aliens know that we have learned already. And
the best way to signal given the current situation is to:
nuclear-bombs everywhere;
Stop the usage of nuclear weaponry
Stop testing nuclear weaponry;
Change, be kind and forgive.
It is the only method
for the aliens to know that we have changed and that we are here to
negotiate and listen to what they have to say. If not, then we are
doomed and need to repeat the simulation again and again. But if we can make the correct decisions now as mankind, then we might be able to coexist with aliens from now on in real reality.
As everybody on earth is involved in this Simulation, then we are talking here about the rights of 8 billion people all together, and thus this must be considered a great opportunity for people to unite as we all are equal within this system.
do the test yourself, and see the truth. If you see it, then you
cannot un-see it. Humans need to know and we need to show people at the top this information
and You can help. Please share so that mankind knows and Changes!
If you use my information on the Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth or the method of Proving the Simulation Theory, than you need to link back to this article and give me credit.