Saturday, 11 February 2023

Aliens are friendly and there is a big group of them

Hollywood movies depict aliens as being of hostile nature all the time, but there is good reason to stipulate that this is wrong. Aliens have developed over millions of years, and are much more advanced in technology and in thought. And they once have stood on the same threshold that we are standing now. What is out there, how do we explore it and can we find benign aliens out there. We are now starting the same quest as they have been through a long time ago. Are aliens friendly and are there many of them around?

Image by uleem odhit from Pixabay

Gazing at the sky and wondering

Just like humans, aliens once stood on their planet and watched the sky with awe. And just like us they wanted to explore it as well and hopefully encounter lifeforms of other beings on exoplanets also. But at that moment they also realized that there might be good and bad societies out there, and thus they wanted to protect themselves. So even before they would have gone into the skies, their reasoning was telling them that there might be dangerous aliens around or otherwise they actually might have found a bad species first. And thus they wouldn't want anything to to with them anymore. So they needed the best protection there is, in the search for lifeforms on other planets. And that is stealth.

Aliens come/ came in stealth

If one wants to be sure that another species is safe to approach, then they would need to see it for themselves first. This is an assessment of the new species, and doing so they would come in stealth. They wouldn't want that species to know that they are here, as they need to know at first hand if the species is benign or hostile. So they come in stealth and observe the new species, firstly at some distance and later in the process maybe more closely. So they actually also might be in stealth or in disguise walking on that new planet. It is the only way to make sure what this species is all about. And there is a good change that this has happened to Earth already. If the aliens would come now, then the World needs to remain calm and we need to stand open for discussion in any way possible. We mustn't let our decisions be based upon emotions, as we will make wrong decisions in that moment. So if extraterrestrials come they will come in peace as they are from the good beans group, and thus we must welcome them appropriately.

Good beans group

As the aliens would be in fear of hostile aliens, and find them on a certain planet, then they would simply leave them alone. And thus look on for other species that are benign. It is like selecting the good beans and not using the bad beans. So the good aliens would be invited to join the group, and thus this group of good beans aliens would be growing steadily in time. And this has many advantages, as knowledge, ideas, technology and decisions are shared, then the good alien group would be growing in numbers as in strength. So you might be wondering or fear hostile aliens, but reasoning shows you that we don't have to fear them at all. Due to the many advantages of the development of good beans group, then we can stipulate that almost a hundred percent of aliens that are exploring are of benign nature. And the chance is very high that if we would encounter aliens, that they would be friendly.

The old galactic society

If there is a growing group of good aliens, then there might be a galactic society. This society consists of all the planets of all kinds of species and entities that try to explore more then their own World. And this galactic society might be very old already. At the time that planet Earth was just forming, other planets might already have been flourishing with intelligent alien lifeforms. So they have had an immense head-start. It immediately shows, that in comparison humans are just born and are just starting to set the first steps in exploring outside this planet. And this old galactic society probably knows what the problems are when starting this up. It is a necessary development that we need to go through on our own, just like the first steps that a baby has to make. So if we can make it through this first developing phase alive, then we might be able to explore the universe and join their old galactic society.

They know already where we are

Aliens have very advanced technologies that easily can scan the galaxy, to see if there is other life signs out there. And that suggests also that they already have found us a long time ago. There is a good chance that they scan spacetime to see if there are any abnormalities, and if so (even very small) then they would like to investigate it. At the end of WWII we tested an atomic bomb and used it as a mass-destruction weapon on Japan twice. If it only was one time, they might have not detected us and/or might have thought it to be a small irregularity. But we did it three times in a very short time-frame, signaling we are here and we are armed.

Good aliens put us in this system

We used mass-destruction weaponry on our own citizens and aliens detected it. That for sure wasn't a good first impression, it actually was for humanity saying we are here and willing to kill everybody who wants to fight with us. And this we have been saying and signaling over and over again with every nuclear weapons test. So the aliens (somehow) managed to put us in this system aka this simulation (and that it is a simulation is something we can prove). The good aliens put us in here, for what actually? We need to learn from our mistakes, by not repeating them and thus we need to stop fighting, we need to banish wars, and we need to disarm nuclear weaponry everywhere on Earth. It is the only way to show the aliens that we are good as well.

We are alive inside and outside of this projection

Being in a projection or a fake World might suggest that you are not real as well. But you need to be very careful with this suggestion, as what happens in this system has influence on our real body outside. We know this as the simulation creates pain and potentially can damage ourselves as well, and thus we need to take care of ourselves within this projection. How do we know that we are in a simulation, where are we actually and are we alive outside this system?

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

You are not where you think you are

You might not know this, but you are not in the place that you think you are. We are not on a real planet, but what we are seeing is actually projection in front of our eyes. And this can easily be proven. By taking a simple photo in enlargement in front of a white and black background and zooming in on this you can see the color interacting lines. This for me shows that you and I aren't solid and thus are seeing something that isn't real. So we are in a fake reality. If this is the case, then why are we here and are we actually alive in real reality or not?

We are alive!

If you see the truth of this reality, then the question arises are we alive or is this something in our past life? And this can easily be answered by what our senses tell us. Sometimes we have that feeling something touches us, or someone is near us but we don't see anybody. Or we get a painful or stinging feeling when there is not reason for it, or we have the feeling of something happening already but there isn't any reason for it to happen. And sometimes we smell or taste something, while there isn't any reason for it as well. These are signs of our senses working in the real reality, and the senses are signaling us that we are connected to that body. So we for sure are alive outside this reality, but we don't experience that reality. We only experience what we see in this reality, but if you are observant with your senses, then you can notice that you are alive. So don't let this system fool you in thinking otherwise, you are in a simulation but you are living outside this projection also.

Difference between alive in here and outside

This World is not real, but we experience it for real as we have been put in here to experience it as real as possible. This means all our senses are deluded, so that we think it is all real. But it actually isn't as we can sense things that are not normal. It doesn't seem to fit like it should, and there are signs from the outside "helping" or "informing" us. And this might seem strange, but I do think that the signals - which we can not explain such as pain without any cause or a feeling of something happening without seeing it - are put in place to help us think. So if you notice something happening without seeing it, then you must try to put this signal in some kind of perspective. Maybe you need to do something or maybe you simply need to avoid situations from happening. It shows that we are alive inside this system, but we are also alive outside in the real reality. But the problem is that we do not know, what the outside World is like at the moment and how it has changed. We can only interpret the signals that want to help us. At least we can state that we are not where we think we are!

We must change our ways

Mankind needs to find a new approach in solving things in this system. We aren't doing it the correct way now, and the proof of this is that we simply are stuck here. We want to be free and we want to be happy, that is all we want. But only wanting this, doesn't help us. Mankind needs to see the truth of this system and that we cannot get out of here if we continue on this track of destruction. And things happening in this World are a clear sign that we are doing it wrongly. By showing you this truth, you mustn't sit down and do nothing. Doing nothing, means we will let it happen and thus we are no better than the shown reality. But by doing something, by acting we can stand up and take control of our own lives. And the best way is to live in peace without war, without nuclear weapons and without testing it. You can help now, by spreading this awareness, so we can spread kindness and friendliness.

As a total of 8 billion people are stuck inside this simulation and thus have the same problem, we must be considered all equal in this. But from my point of view it mustn't be considered a problem, but as an opportunity for earth to evolve into something better so that we can live in peace regardless of race, gender, religion, earthling or alien.

We should stop depicting aliens as hostile in movies

We have gotten used to movies that depict aliens as bad, hostile or evil. I think this is a very big misconception, and I think that aliens actually are friendly instead. It is us humans that think badly about other species, and we thus fear them and most likely would fight them. But this is a foolish reaction as we do not know their situation. Why do I think that aliens are friendly instead of hostile, why are us humans considered hostile by them and why do we need to stop depicting aliens as such in movies?

Image by Garik Barseghyan from Pixabay

Why do we like hostile aliens?

Most Hollywood movies that make a lot of money, are those with aliens being the villain. It means that the aliens are hostile, as it gives the most destruction and thus the most pleasure for most of us. And from this point of view our brain is pumped full of the notion that aliens must be bad and dangerous. So now our natural reaction towards aliens is that we fear them and thus we must fight them. This is a very dangerous assumption, as if we think that then we will act like that - while their intentions are benign. So if there would be first contact, then we act from this fear and thus we act foolish.

Are aliens really hostile or benign?

There is good reason to say that aliens are friendly aka benign. They once were on the point of their evolution to go into space, and were confronted by bad aliens or did imagine meeting hostile aliens. Their natural reaction would be fear and thus if they wanted to go into space to find intelligent lifeforms, they would investigate by going in stealth. If it was assessed that the new species was of benign nature, then they would join their friendly alien group. But if it was assessed that the new species was of bad intent, then they would avoid them. The good alien group would grow, while the bad alien group would be left alone. The good aliens for sure would have the advantage in many ways, and thus would grow in strength and quantity. And thus it is safe to state that aliens are benign aka aliens are friendly!

Humans have signaled to be hostile instead

Now there is a problem with humanity. We are fighting all the time, and we have killed millions in WWI and WWII. Especially the end of WWII is important, as we signaled with three atomic bombs our presence in the fast galaxy, and we signaled that we are armed and dangerous. And we will react with only a push of a button, killing many with mass-destruction weapons. And this is the first signal they got from us, and that wasn't a good impression. From the alien point of view, humans are the hostile species. But it is our first time we used it as such and must be considered as a mistake. If you make a mistake once, then you aren't seeing the consequences of your actions. But if you see the consequences then you must correct your actions so that it doesn't happen again. As using mass-destruction weapons was a big mistake that mustn't happen again, then we as a species were put in this system as we need to prove ourselves. And this is something important for you to understand: "we can only get out of here if we change our actions". This doesn't mean you personally, but we need to show the correct signals collectively. And as we have been put in here due to our mistakes at the end of WWII, then we can stipulate that the only way to get out of here is by not using mass-destruction weapons ever again. It is the only signal that aliens will understand that we have changed. If we want to have a future within the stars exploring the most beautiful places, then we need to make the first step by actually showing our intent. And our intent must be friendly.

Personal gain of the few

Personally I think that the majority of people and families are of friendly intent. People simply try to make the best of it. But there are things happening in the World - often caused by the personal security of the few, the strengthening of their power or success - which lead to crises in any form Worldwide. And thus the many suffer due to the actions of the few. And this seems to be a re-occurring situation on Earth. But as these crises are gradually increasing in severity and quantity, the majority of people get used to it and don't act on it. Especially big wars, can result in big conflicts potentially resulting in the usage of nuclear weapons. So the power, success and gain of the few can result in Worldwide destruction, and that must change.

Show aliens our friendliness

If we as Earthlings want to succeed and strive then we must show the aliens that we are friendly. They will not show themselves when we remain the same way and don't change. So if we want to join their alien galactic society, then we need to make the first step. No change would mean no candy for us. And it is us that needs to change, as we made the big mistake in the first place. You can only get away from the finger trap by giving in, and not pulling on it constantly. And giving in means change, means disarmament, means being nice and kind again. For the mental state of humans it is important to show within movies or documentaries that aliens are friendly, so instead of fear we start to show empathy towards them.

Friday, 10 February 2023

How to prove your body isn't solid in this not-real World?

What is real and what isn't, that is a good question. For me I have had this strange feeling about this World, that there is something going on or that something is wrong from childhood already. Some of you might understand what this feeling is about. Things happening don't seem to add up or on the other side seem to be adding up too much. What I am going to tell you now, might be way out of the box for you, but what I am telling is something that I can prove to be real. So stay with me for a moment, and please do the test that I am showing you here. This method will prove that you and I actually aren't as solid as you might think, and why do I think this is proof for the simulation Theory?

Image by Yassay from Pixabay

Strange things are happening

When I say that things seem to be happening in a strange way, I mean it more like it is happening in a structured way. All the bad things in this World seem to be accumulating and getting worse by the day, and thus we can expect something big when this system hits the maximum point (if there is such a thing). And as these things are getting worse, we must interpreted it as a sign, signal or warning. And I believe it to be true as a warning, as what is happening are only bad things. And that is very striking indeed. You might think, the World is weird and strange already, but I can assure you that it will get weirder from here for sure. So if these signs are a warning, then we can guess for sure what it is a warning about. It is all about the usage of nuclear weaponry, as it marks the end of humanity, the end of kindness and it marks the big set-back aka our development as a society will disappear instantly. So if this is the case, then the question arises for sure, why are these signs in place. Do we need to change, and is this World real?

How to prove your body isn't solid?

I have found a method five years ago already to prove that you actually aren't solid at all. But I haven't been able to find a good means to inform the World, up to now. So I am going to tell you here how you can check and test for yourself how you can see with your own eyes that you aren't solid at all. Follow these easy steps:

  • use a white and back background setting;
  • take a photo, think about your finger, as it is the most obvious. But take the photo like that using maximum enlargement;
  • after uploading, enlarge this photo again on your mobile (if possible) or up-load it on your computer so that you can enlarge it more easily and see the results more clearly. You can find more explanation and photo's on proving this in my book the Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth. If your phone has 8-times enlargement then you can see it directly.

What you get is a photo that looks like the shown example. Here I have pointed out two areas with lines around our finger. First of all, these lines shouldn't be there at all as we are solid. But the interesting part is that the color of the line around the finger changes as it interacts with the background color. So with the white background there is a black line just around the finger and a whiter white around that. This changes into a white small line just around the finger at the black background with a blacker line around it. It means that the black line changes into a white line, depending on the background color. You can do another experiment yourself, by taking a picture of your finger in front of a brigh screen as shown in the photo. It shows that in the brighter area the light shines through the upper layer of your projected finger. I need to make this point very clear: 

"This is impossible if you and I are solid, unless 

if what we see isn't real".

PS: If you want to see this without the usage of a camera, then put on two +2 glasses. With the correct background you can distinguish the same effect as shown in the photo's (keep your focus on the finger with the black and white back-ground out of focus, and it might take some time before you notice the black and white lines appear).

Is this proof for the simulation theory?

As there clearly seems to be an interaction of colors with lines, then we can stipulate that what we see isn't real. And it makes me think about a projection before our eyes. So what theories are there around, that can explain this phenomenon? The best way I can explain this, is by going into the simulation theory. The simulation theory suggests that this complete World is projected in front of us, just like a hologram. But in this hologram we actually feel everything to be real. So there is a way to influence all our senses so that we are tricked in believing this World to be legitimate. But I don't think that we are in a hologram, but we are seeing a shared reality, with our senses attached to it. So we experience the same World, but in real reality we actually aren't in the same place. Personally I think, what we are seeing here and the proof I have shown you now, is evidence of the simulation theory.

Why do we feel pain with a projection?

What we do in this simulation, has consequences for our body in real reality. This has been done, in order for us to experience this World as real as possible. So if it wasn't for this proof, then you would think that this World is for real. But as you see now, it actually isn't. It is a projection put in front of your eyes, but we feel the pain caused by the actions we do in this World.

Why are we in here?

I see and try to understand the signals that we get from history and placing it in the current situation. So as stipulated already we are in a simulation, and we are experiencing a maximization of crises that can only end in the usage of nuclear weapons. So why we are in here, is related to the usage of weaponry. And this is important as it takes us back at the end of WWII, where we used a test atomic bomb and two nuclear bombs as mass-destruction weapons on our own people. So we need to learn from our mistakes. You don't have to learn from it personally, but we need to learn from this collectively. If you make a mistake twice then the second time was a decision and not a mistake. And we are at that point as one World for sure. If we repeat our mistake of using mass-destruction weaponry then humanity is guilty of mass-murder, but if we choose peace for all and live in kindness, then we are not liable. This is an important point for you to understand, and it is this point that we all have to get as well. If not, then we will be put back to the stone-ages for sure. So do the test to see for yourself that your body isn't solid and thus is proof for the simulation theory. Combined with the fact that we need to learn from our mistakes as a united earth, then we must take action collectively by not using nuclear arms, but disarming instead!

How are our senses deluded in this simulation?

I have shown you a quick method already, how you can prove yourself that you actually aren't as solid as you think. And thus what you are seeing isn't as real as you might think. Personally I think this is proof of the simulation theory, which states that we are living in a creation or seeing a projection in front of our eyes, but with our senses connected to it. So why do we actually feel pain if we are stuck in a simulation and how are our other senses such as hearing influenced?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We need to experience it to be real

What we are seeing might seem real, but if it was like a simple projection we still wouldn't believe it to be true as we have other senses as well. But if our senses all are included into this projected system then we actually would believe it to be true as it looks, hears, smells, feels and senses to be real. So if all senses say that it is real, then we do believe for sure it to be real. But as I have proven already, your body isn't as solid as you think. And as there are interacting lines around what we see, then this would stipulate a projection of some kind. But only a simulation isn't convincing enough, we need to experience it completely with all our senses. This means vision, touch, taste, smell, hearing and maybe our sixth sense as well. If all these experiences within this reality are true as we trust our senses, then our brain makes it real. But now you know, it isn't real.

Pain in this reality

The most convincing input of senses is pain. So if in this World we have an accident, then in real reality something is done to our body as well. We need to experience this reality as real as possible and thus the pain will be real. This suggests that our complete body is inside some kind of device that can inflict pain and can delude all other senses as well.

The subwoofers in our eyes

There is another method to show you something with your own eyes. Use your "torch" on your mobile phone and shine on your eyes. With this you must close your eyes, but let some of the light pass your eyelashes, aka let the light break in your eyelashes or the moist of your eyes. And at that moment you see something. There are small round circles visible, and if you look closely these look like small subwoofers. And this might actually be what it looks like. Around our body or just around our head we have these small subwoofers that make small sounds, as no sound comes from one direction but it is a combination of sounds that makes up where it comes from. So what you are seeing here might be the system that they use to delude our hearing.

How about our other senses?

Other senses might be deluded by just giving a smell or putting a taste in our mouth. This is all a electrical input as our brain functions based on this kind of input. For three senses I can pin-point really easily how they do it:

  • feeling and pain are directly put on our skin. So we feel it for real as it happens in this reality;
  • seeing: there is a projection around us, and we see it happen. This is the simulation theory in practice. I do think that this projection must be just around our eyes, as there needs to be room for our other senses to be influenced as well;
  • hearing: there are subwoofers which can be made visible by shining a torch through our eyelashes into our eyes.

Is our head in a senses deluding helmet?

As the subwoofers make sounds that can come from any direction then there are many small subwoofers. As these subwoofers are around us, then that might suggest that our complete head is inside a projection, and the subwoofers give sounds and direction to sounds around our heads as well. So from that combination we might stipulate that our head has a helmet of some kind that deludes our hearing, vision, smell and taste in one and our body is in some kind of cocoon that can create all the other feelings like pain and touch.

PS: part of previously mentioned is speculation, but it is speculation based on things we can see and experience within this reality (by following my steps of proving the simulation by taking an enlarged photo and proving the subwoofers by shining a light or torch on your half closed eyes) and thus there is a good chance that this speculation has truth in it. Check it for yourself, and prove me wrong!

Thursday, 9 February 2023

This World has signals of urgency to warn us of the future

What happens in this World is strange and it doesn't feel right, does it? I am asking you, but personally if feel it like that and see things happening and worsening on a daily basis. So what is going on here and why are we experiencing this? In my opinion we are seeing signs of things to come, and the signs are gradually building up to something in the maximum situation. And as the signs all are of bad influence, then we can only conclude that the max also is a bad thing. What are the signals that we are seeing here, and why are these a warning sign of things to happen in the future?

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Crises as a signal of urgency

The World that you see and experience now, isn't what reality should be about. This system that we are in now, doesn't make any sense, unless what is happening has meaning. And what is happening, is a build-up of crises which are accumulating to a maximum, where the tension in the World will become too much for all. It is that maximum that we must be worried about, as it is a big signal for us that things are going to get worse. Unless we do something about it. So from the point of view things happening in this World actually are a sign for us to do something, then we must conclude that, what we need to do must be very urgent indeed. I use the word "urgent" as the situation in the World is worsening everyday, and that can only lead to one ending which is the usage of nuclear weaponry.

We are in a fake reality

If this world is signaling to us, that things are going to get very intense, then how is this possible? Is this world a warning? I would say that what has been happening for sure is a warning to all of us. And it is about the maximum point that we as mankind can reach, sadly we are talking about the maximization of crises. But how is this possible, why does the World signal this? The answer might sound strange to you, but this World isn't our real reality and that is why we are experiencing this. And what you are seeing is something projected in front of your eyes. And there is a method to prove the simulation theory. Taking a photo of your finger in front of a white and black background in enlargement. After that you upload it to your computer and enlarge it again, until you see the black and white line around your finger. But this line interacts with the changing of the background color and thus a clear signal that what we are seeing isn't real. So we are in a fake reality.

Pain as a signal

A big question has been, whether our body is in this reality or outside this system in the real World. And pain signals without any cause, might be a good way to explain this. Many people experience having pain, stitches and a strange feeling, while there isn't any reason for it to be happening at all. It simply comes and goes without you are able to explain it. But as we know we are in a fake projected World, then we might say that these pains we have are actually a sign from the outside World. So then it is the question for you, what is happening with you or what are you thinking about while you have this painful or strange feeling. This as these painful signs might need to be interpreted in another way, but with something going on in your life. Think about a big change that is going to happen, but maybe you must or mustn't do it instead. Such signals must be taken seriously as these can be seen as a warning to you.

What are dreams about?

Many people have vivid or clear dreams, where one experiences something like when awake, but one is actually dreaming. This clear dreaming in many cases needs to be seen as a signal as well. Maybe your unconscious self is trying to tell you something about what might be happening, and how you can avoid this. Also dreams can be seen as a warning of things to happen, unless you change. Vivid dreams are very different from normal dreams as you seem to be clearly experiencing it and something will happen that impresses you so that when you wake up you will remember it for sure. In many cases such dreaming leaves you with more questions then answers, and you need to try to figure it out what the message or warning is about.

Déjà vu feeling

As this is a fake world, in the form of a projection aka simulation, then we might have experienced life here many times already. Many people do have that feeling that sometimes things are happening for a reason and they have that feeling that it already has happened before. But it hasn't happened yet in this lifetime, and thus we are talking about a past-life experience. This world might be in a repeat mode, and thus these déjà vu feelings might be things that have happened before in a previous life. I must state that in the real life you only have one life, but in this system - there is a much higher resolution - then you can state that we actually have experienced life many times already.

What can we do about it?

That we are currently on a course going into the maximization of crises, means for me that we are on a way to destruction. And there is only one way that will happen and it is due to nuclear weaponry. But I see this World as a warning and the signals all point in that direction. But as we can see the warning signs before it actually happens, then we can do something about it. We need to take this warning seriously, or else we use mass-destruction weapons on ourselves. The answer is that mankind needs to change, and we need to change for the better. The biggest step here is to disarm nuclear weapons, so that we signal back that we want to live. Not using these weapons is the only way to sign that we have changed and that we have learned from our previous mistakes.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Is our real body outside this fake reality?

This World isn't what it looks like, as it is not reality aka it is fake. And I already have shown you an easy method to prove for yourself that you actually aren't real as well. So if this reality is fake, then what is this place and why are we here? Is it for you possible to recognize any other signals from the outside, in order for you to know that something is happening or needs to be considered as a signal for you. If we are in a fake reality, then are we a simulation or are we in it and are there any other signals that we can recognize as such?

Image by stokpic from Pixabay 

Are we a simulation or are we in a simulation?

As we aren't in a real World as our body isn't solid as proven, then the question will arise if we are a simulation or in a simulation? And there is a great difference. If we are a simulation, means that we were born here and are an integral part of the system that we live in. And we for sure are unable to get out of here. But if we are in a simulation, then we have been put in here for a reason - by our own choice, or we as a collective were forced into this situation. You might actually consider the fact that we have passed away already, and have entered the afterlife already. But I don't believe that, as we do get signals from the outside world. And as we do get those signs, then we must conclude that we are in a simulation and that we aren't a simulation.

There are stimuli from the outside

Have you ever walked somewhere or were doing something and suddenly from out of the blue you had that strange feeling of someone close to you, or you felt someone touching you without seeing someone, or you hear a strange sound but you don't see why, or you had that sudden stinging pain without any reason for it or you smelled something but you couldn't see the origin for it. In my opinion these are signals from the real reality. Although we are stuck in this reality, our sense-receptors - such as touch, smell, hearing, taste and seeing, and maybe our sixth sense has been activated as well - are still working fine. So we pick up things that are happening in the real World, and some of those signs might have been given for us to recognize as well. If you pick up like that, then you most likely are sensing something outside this reality. And this also means that our body is outside this reality somewhere for real.

Dreams and déjà vu are signals

Have you ever had that feeling that something has happened already, but you cannot say when it actually happened? It is a déjà vu feeling, and within this system there is an easy explanation for it. As we are seeing a simulation, then the speed of this reality might be much quicker than real reality as our brain can copy with high speed resolutions for sure. So what you think is a déjà vu feeling, might actually be something that has happened in your previous life. But in real reality you only have one life, but in this system - as it has a much higher resolution - then you might have experienced this life (or variations on it) fifty times or more already. Thus the déjà vu is a memory or a recognition point of something similar happening to you in a previous past life. You might not believe this statement, but it is a very good explanation for why some people are having these recollections of things happening in some past time.

Why are we in here?

If we are stuck in this reality, then why are we here? There are many explanations possible, but personally I interpret the signal from our history as of alien influence. At the end of WWII we have signaled our existence to the galaxy by using a test atomic bomb and two as mass-destruction weapons on Japan. And these have been interpreted by aliens, knowing that we are here, and that we are armed. But as the usage of these weapons is a grave mistake, then we need to learn from our mistakes aka we aren't allowed to use it again. If this is the case and interpreting the current accumulation of crises in the world, then we must realize that the World is getting to the point of using it again. And that must be prevented at all cost. To save ourselves we need to not use nuclear weaponry in this reality, so that aliens can see that we have changed for the better. If not, then we remain stuck in this World.

How long have we been in here?

I cannot answer this. What we see is a repeat of history, and that might have been reset many times already. And as we have been in here at a high resolution as well, then we cannot say at all what year it is. And we cannot say as well if our generation has just been born after these things happening in real reality or if that centuries have past. So it might be just the 80 years after the last World-War, or in the real world 500 or a 1000 years might have passed already. We cannot say it, as we cannot see the real reality. But as we see a repeating simulation of things happening after WWII till the present, then it is this story that we have to learn from.

Change is important for us

We are stuck in this reality in order to learn from our mistakes. And these mistakes haven't been made by you and me, but our forefathers did. And we all can agree that the usage of nuclear mass-destruction weaponry is an immense mistake for sure. If we want to survive this world and actually want to develop, then we must disarm these weapons. It is the only signal that aliens will understand, that we have changed. But it isn't the only change that we need to go through. We need to get friendly and kind again, as we all need to live together as One on our planet Earth.

Can we wake up from or get out of this simulation?

We live in a fake reality, and we actually can prove that we are in a simulation. This means that we aren't living real life, but it is some projection over our eyes. It is important for us to understand that we have a body outside this system - as we do experience things we cannot explain - and thus we must have the possibility to exit this simulation as well. What are the signals that show us we do have a body outside this simulation and is it possible for us to wake up or get out of this fake World?

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

How do we prove this simulation?

It is for everyone important to understand that we are not in the real World. What you are seeing is a projection aka a simulation that has been put over our eyes. If you want to prove this simulation for your self, you simply take a photo with enlargement of your fingers in front of a white and black background. Then upload it to your computer and enlarge it until you see the black and white lines around your finger (enlargement is needed as these lines only are a fraction of a millimeter wide). As the black and white lines visibly change position depending on the background color (black or white), then we can only conclude that you and I are not solid. This means what you see is not real, and thus is a projection or a simulation. With this we have proven the simulation theory by taking some easy photo's and anyone can do this.

Our body is outside this system

In this discussion it is important for you to know, if our body is outside this simulation or not. And this has an important reason. If you have no body outside this system, then you must be part of this system. But if you experience strange things like smelling something for no reason, feeling someone touch you with no-one around or having pain for no reason as well, then that is a sign from the outside World. Many people have experienced such stimuli and thus we can conclude that there is a body in the real World outside this simulation. So we are not part of this simulation, but only experiencing it and thus we can get out of here.

We need to comply with the desired outcome

Collectively we have been put in this system to learn from it. We as a species have made a big mistake, which was the usage of mass-destruction weapons on our own people. And if we repeat this mistake again, then it isn't a mistake anymore but a concrete decision to do so. If we do, then the system will find us guilty of mass-murder and thus we have no right to exist. But if we do not use these weaponry and continue to exist peacefully, aka we comply with the desired outcome of this system, then we might be able to exit this simulation.

Do we get out of here?

I really can not answer this. But if we are in this simulation to learn from our own mistakes, and we do the right thing by not using nuclear weapons, disarming ourselves everywhere and be kind again, then we might have a chance to get out of here. For this humanity needs to make big but necessary steps, and we mustn't be stubborn. We need to realize in what kind of predicament we currently are in and that we need to change urgently. This as the clock is ticking as everything on Earth seems to be pointing out to an end-point from which we cannot escape. Unless..., unless we change for the better and disarm ourselves. The biggest signal that we can give in this system is to live on and to have peace with one and another. Only with a disarmed Earth, peace and kindness we can survive and have the possibility to get out of here.

Who decides if we get help?

Actually, we collectively decide if we can get help by our actions or dis-actions. It is us who need to change, and we need to be friendly again. It is like two angry parties pulling on the finger-trap, so none of the two can get out. But by giving way, both can get out of the trap. So if the World gives in to this situation, then we might be judged in an easy way resulting in mankind being released from this simulation. Only then we will get a positive decision on our part. Although it is aliens that have put us in this situation due to our own actions in the past, it is us who decides if we can get out of here. And the answer is change and disarmament for sure, and thus we need to share this message to the World. Join in and help us change by spreading this information so that we can get rid of nuclear weapons and change collectively in order for us to get out of this fake reality.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

What is affordable housing and how can it help society?

We all want to have a roof over our heads so that we have a safe place for ourselves, where we can relax and have our own privacy. Being housed, have money to spend, being able to use proper help and health care are the basics of our existence and that is agreed up on by society, as is written in the Declaration of Human Rights. So we need to up-hold that principle. But is this what is happening in society? No it isn't, there are still too many people homeless, live in poor conditions, are needy or simply cannot access the needed help. And this is a shortcoming of our society. How can affordable housing help and why is it a necessity for society to arrange for everyone?

Image by Frauke Riether from Pixabay

Table of contents

Thirty percent rule affordable housing
Housing gets too expensive
Payable rooms and apartments
Subsidized housing
Declaration of Human Rights article 25

We all want to have a roof over our heads so that we have a safe place for ourselves, where we can relax and have our own privacy. Being housed, have money to spend, being able to use proper help and health care are the basics of our existence and that is agreed up on by society, as is written in the Declaration of Human Rights. So we need to up-hold that principle. But is this what is happening in society? No it isn't, there are still too many people homeless, live in poor conditions, are needy or simply cannot access the needed help. And this is a shortcoming of our society. How can affordable housing help and why is it a necessity for society to arrange for everyone? 

Thirty percent rule Affordable housing

Having enough money to go around, means that one can pay for their mortgages and the renting prices of rooms, houses or apartments. A general rule for renting or buying a roof over one's head, is that one should spend not more then thirty percent of one's income on the cost of renting or mortgage (lit.1). This means one has enough money left to spend on other necessary things in life, such as food or doing fun things. This rule has some consequences as well. If one is below this rule then one is buying or renting in a very prude or safe way. But if one is over this rule, then one needs to save on other things with their spending.

Housing gets too expensive

The prices of buying and renting have been growing in time, but incomes haven't. And that means that the room for spending is decreasing and thus more and more people need to rent something above the stated thirty percent rule. But this also means that more people with low income, are losing the possibility to rent of buy anything. And thus the only choice they have is to sleep elsewhere, take a place at friends or family or in the worst case need to sleep in their car, or in or without a tent on the streets. So housing has become too expensive for those with low income, resulting in an explosion of homeless people or of those who are needy. It shows itself in the quantity of people using stamps for food (even those with housing) or living in the worst conditions.

Payable rooms and apartments

If people want to stay comfortable, with a roof over one's head and with enough money to have a full stomach and live in good health, then there must be a good ratio between what money is spent on. The thirty percent rule is a good way to see if you are overpaying or not, as you need to have money to buy clothes and house-hold items as well. For this you need to rent payable rooms or apartments. And this obviously needs to be provided by the society and thus society as a whole needs to make sure that everyone can rent a place and has the possibility of getting a place for themselves. And for this it is important for society to make rooms and apartments payable, anywhere on this planet. If it isn't provided then that must be seen as a shortage of living-space for those in need and thus it must be arranged.

Subsidized housing

Another method to cope with this situation is by subsidizing housing for those in need or who are homeless. And this needs to be implemented on a large scale. Too many people are suffering in poverty, living in their car or on the streets as they simply cannot pay it. So from this point of view government has a job to do, as they need to take care of everyone, not excluding anyone. By subsidizing housing and setting up cheap housing programs, also the needy and poor have the opportunity in getting a roof over one's head. And that is the primary job of our government, as it is stated so in the Declaration of Human Rights. It is the only way to make housing affordable again for everyone.

Declaration of Human Rights article 25

"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control" (lit.2). And this means that society as a whole has responsibility to provide this right and thus affordable housing is a must. This article also shows that we need to provide the security in case one loses one's job, has health-problems, loses one's partner or gets old. But what we see happening instead is that the needy are being ignored, the homeless are left alone and forgotten, and no-one listens to the poor. And this tells a lot about the state of the World and why we need to change our ways. If we really want to succeed as a society, then the least we must do is to uphold the "Declaration of Human Rights" for sure. And everybody in this World has the same right as we are all the same (as we all have a heart and a brain). So we can change this World by simply following the rules stated as our general rights. Help the homeless poor and needy on our planet by giving care, help, money and help them get in touch with proper organizations so that they can get into housing as well. Everyone has the right on affordable housing as we all have agreed up on this to do so, and thus we as society need to uphold this now.


Monday, 6 February 2023

What is the simulation theory and how to prove it?

On what kind of Earth do we live, why have we been put here and what is the reason of our existence here? This is a question that has been around for centuries and it is a question that is hard to answer. One of the methods to explain - next to the flat, square, hollow earth - is by considering this World a simulation of some kind. This would mean something like a hologram, but we are in it and experiencing it. Or another way is that this World is a projection in front of our eyes. As we don't see the answer then our options are open for discussion, unless we see evidence for real. So the question here is, are we really in a simulation or not. And we must answer this by finding the evidence to prove it. How can we prove that we are not in reality by showing that the simulation theory is true?

Image by Egonetix_xyz from Pixabay

Table of contents

Proving the simulation theory
Results of this reality test
So what is this proof of?
How much time does the projection take?
Where is our body?

On what kind of Earth do we live, why have we been put here and what is the reason of our existence here? This is a question that has been around for centuries and it is a question that is hard to answer. One of the methods to explain - next to the flat, square, hollow earth - is by considering this World a simulation of some kind. This would mean something like a hologram, but we are in it and experiencing it. Or another way is that this World is a projection in front of our eyes. As we don't see the answer then our options are open for discussion, unless we see evidence for real. So the question here is, are we really in a simulation or not. And we must answer this by finding the evidence to prove it. How can we prove that we are not in reality by showing that the simulation theory is true?

Proving the simulation theory

In order to prove the simulation theory, we simply need to find proof of it, and this can be done by investigating. If this is a simulation then we must be able to see it with our own eyes, as a projected system must have errors or must show some trail to discover, showing that it is like that. I would suggest that we investigate objects and/or our own body by taking a picture in enlargement with for instance a black and white back-ground to see the differences. I have done this using my tablet and taking a picture of my finger in front of a black-white back-ground. And the results are astounding to say the least.

Results of this reality test

In the shown picture you see the result of what I did. More pictures you can find in my book: "Alien Assessment of nuclear armed Earth" with subtitle: "Disarm nuclear-bombs and stop testing so we can get out of this Simulation, (Proving the Simulation Theory)". In the photo you see the white and black back-ground with the finger in front of it. But there is something curious going on. With the white background you see a black line around the finger with a whiter white then the back-ground white around it. And the curious thing is when you look at the black back-ground it is the opposite. So the lines change color depending on the back-ground color. And this with 100% certainty is impossible for solid objects to occur. And thus this must be considered proof of us being non-solid, aka what you see isn't reality. PS. This test can be done by anyone using only your mobile phone. Take a picture with a black and white back-ground. Then upload it to your computer and enlarge it again until you see this result.

In front of a laptop

Another way for you to prove the Simulation Theory is by taking a picture of your finger in front of a screen such as a laptop or your television. It is important that you hold your finger at the black rim and a part of the screen. The black line appears but you also see something else. The bright screen shines through the upper part of your simulated finger and thus it looks like the finger reduces in size. This you can find without the previously mentioned zoom or enlargement. You try it for yourself. 

PS: If you want to see this without the usage of a camera, then put on two +2 glasses. With the correct background you can distinguish the same effect as shown in the photo's (keep your focus on the finger with the black and white back-ground out of focus, and it might take some time before you notice the black and white lines appear). This is one of the easy ways to see this simulation. 

So what is this proof of?

The taken photo suggests that objects and our body aren't solid, but some kind of "lined" photo or picture. Let me make this clear also, this line is only a fraction of a millimeter wide and thus you obviously hardly or cannot see it with your own eyes. So you need the suggested enlargement for sure. So what you see on this photo is what you get, but what does this suggest. If for sure proves that you and I aren't solid and it proves as well that what we see isn't reality. Having said this, I do must say that we do experience this reality as real and thus we do think it to be as such as our mind makes it real. I would suggest that this is concrete proof of the projection theory.

How much time does the projection take?

I once thought that this World is a prison for the mind, and with this proof I surely still am suggesting this. If this World is projected just in front of our eyes, combined with the knowledge that our brain can handle a reality that is much quicker than real reality, then we can suggest that in this reality time might be going much faster than in real reality. With this I mean that our brain can catch up with frames that are much quicker. In comparison, if real reality would use 100 frames to show a story, but we only got to see 20 frames then our brain would complete the picture for sure making a whole story, but that story would be 5 times quicker. But if the 100 frames would be shown to our brain in a fifth of the normal time then our brain would go much faster, and thus reality as we see it would be much faster than real reality itself. So in both ways we experience the same thing, but it would be must faster than real reality. From this point of view being stuck in this reality for a life-time, might mean only a year in real life. And this time difference might even be much shorter as from our point of view. We cannot tell, as we do not know how much our brain can be sped up. So this might be a scale from 1:50 or 1:100 or even more extreme. How much time really has passed is something we cannot tell and that is an answer we can only get if we get out of this system (if possible).

Where is our body?

If objects and our body isn't real as proven, then where is our real body. Our real body is outside this reality. How do we know that? It is or that, or we are the simulation. But as we can feel and smell things that seem not logical from our point of view, then that might be signals from the outside. You might feel stinging pain while there is no reason, it feels like someone touches you but there is no-one and you might smell coffee or smoke while you for instance are walking on the beach. There is no explainable reason for that happening, unless it comes from the outside real reality. And you and I have experienced that as well. So from this stipulation we can conclude that we aren't a simulation, but we are in the simulation with us getting signals from the outside World. This means our real body is in real reality, but for our mind time seems to be going much much quicker in this reality.

How would I help the homeless?

These days there is much suffering and due to financial problems one can get homeless. And this situation can happen to anyone for sure. You and I can get into some kind of financial problems due to divorce, health problems, accidents and unfortunate decisions resulting in having no money to pay for the bills. And this can result in being forced out of one's home and into the streets. You might think this cannot happen to you or me, but history has proven that this can even happen to those who are rich at this moment. And currently we see that many people are getting homeless or need to spend the night at a friends home. What is the influence of homelessness and how would I help the homeless?

Image by Htc Erl from Pixabay 

Influence of being homeless

Not having income, not having enough to pay all the bills can result in eviction, and thus one needs to sleep elsewhere. If one hasn't any friends or cannot find a place, then one needs to spend the night outside and thus one needs to sleep on the streets. Living on the streets is a dangerous thing. One doesn't know what others want, one doesn't know how to get the next meal and one only thinks about how to survive another day. This situation has a terrible influence on the person as one needs to endure all weather conditions, animals, strangers and one is forgotten by all as others are in disrespect. This has a deep profound influence on that person, as one isn't treated like a human being anymore. Being in this situation in many cases has influence on the mental state of the person.

How can the homeless be helped?

As homelessness has a physical and mental impact on the person, then they need to be treated as such as well. It means taking them of the streets and giving them a safe place at first while they are being assessed. With this I mean assess if the person has mental of physical problems which obviously need to be treated. How can that person be helped in the following steps. Maybe they need help in getting their identification in order so that they can travel back home, maybe they need some money to get home, maybe they need a basic income to recover, strengthen and be given time to think on what is best to do after this period. So there are many ways to solve the problems for the homeless person. It needs to be asked how we can help them, as they for sure know how they need to be helped.

Giving a roof above their heads

Affordable homes is a big issue, as people with little income and working also want to have a payable home, but they cannot pay for it. It means there aren't enough cheap homes to rent and thus this needs to be provided. Everyone has right on getting appropriate housing. If normal houses or apartments are too expensive to rent, then houses need to be subsidized so that people with less income have the opportunity to get into housing. If not, then they need to stay in a cheap hotel or need to remain living in their car. And that obviously isn't the best solution to this problem. But for the homeless just getting of the streets they need to be put in a safe place where they are given time. Time to recover and time to think on what to do next. Just by getting them off the streets and giving them a roof above their heads (not meaning a shelter, but a home, apartment or room for themselves) is the best way to help.

Giving basic income

Homeless people have problems with their finances and that can be of big influence. If they want to survive they need a steady income, so that they get time to heal and get time to think. This can only be done by providing a basic income for the needy. Basic income is government money that is not taxed and there are no conditions attached to it as well. So people can use it in any way possible, and that obviously suits their interest the best. It gives them the possibility to heal and gives time to think on what to do next. I think that the duration of giving a basic income can be time dependent, so that severe cases can get it long time and easy cases can get a stimulus in order to get their direct plans into action. And the benefits of such a basic income are more then the cost of it to society.

Help the homeless

If you see a homeless person then you should try to help them instead of calling the police. Help is a must and it needs to be in our nature to do so. If you would be in such a situation then you would want to be helped as well. So treat them like you want to be treated and help the homeless. If you cannot help, then call those who can help the needy. I do expect in the future that it should be forbidden to not help those in need, and thus we must arrange collectively that homeless people must be helped.

Spiritual cleaning protecting yourself from bad influences

    Self-spiritual cleaning, spiritual clearing, protecting yourself from bad influences   การชำระล้างจิตวิญญาณ โดยตัวเอง การปกป้อง...